WHy do people make their answers an attack of the questioner, and not an attempt at all to answer the question
why do people have to answer my questions with swear words
why do people send me hate email
why do people send me hate instant messages
why do people hate me
Didn't Jesus say love one another? Can't everyone Christian and atheist just get along and love?
Won't you just love me and if you don't like my question, just don't answer it. Why do you have to be so mean to me and swear at me? Why do mean people have to suck?
Why do people make assumptions about other people and make their answers an attack of the questioner?
They cahnt answer Jim Darwin with any form of Logic,
Try as they may, to argue they must resort to mahgic.
But that can't work, cause they then make no sense,
So they HAVE to resort to ad-homonym for Just recompense.
Their Jesus has told them to "Turn the other Cheek,"
But, when one of Jim's missives they click, and then peek,
The frusturation level, then hits it's peak ..
and AWAY from their Jesus they tiptoe and sneak.
BEHIND our dear old Jim, they gather like flys
and they Curse and Complain that what he writes is all LIES!
Reply:maybe its cos u ask stupid questions,am not trying to say i hate u but pls next time when asking a question,ask a question and not tell us a question by crucifying sombody esp the question about Christ or evolution or something that u asked.
Reply:Your right, men people suck. It's just human nature, you need not be so sensitive.
Reply:Hate mail and attacks and the like are not acceptable.
There are times when it's appropriate to express disagreement with the premise on which someone's question is based, though.
For instance, earlier today, someone asked why the Catholic Church is banning Catholics from seeing "The DaVinci Code."
But it's a totally bogus question. The premise on which the question is based is bogus -- because the Catholic Church is not banning anyone from seeing that movie!
And I said so to the person who posted that question.
Reply:There you go again, feeling sorry for yourself, the Martyr Sexy Jim. KissMyass Bastard, now we hate you even more. I think you are one of those freaks who actually gets off on insults, stop spanking your monkey and get to work! Do the world a favor and Shoot yourself. Jesus said love one another, but since you are a sour-puss, you are excluded. Get to work, dumbass! No, I can't say I love you, why should I, and I am mean if that's how you want me to be and yes I love to Suck. Steal a dog to love you, I'm sure you won't be able to keep it, once you start suffering in his ear about how much everyone hates you he will run from you too. YOU SUCK FREAK!
Reply:Must be people that have low self esteem,or they are ignorant.Some people are just in need of professional help and don't know it or don't want it.It's more natural to love your brother and sister.Hang in their buddy.
Reply:Who are you to ask me that question!?! ... why I aughta ...
Peace out brother
Reply:Dont worry everybody hates me too....
Reply:Your cool, don't worry about those fools. They are just unhappy with them selves and your free spirit intimidates them.
Reply:Maybe they dont hate you, they just hate your questions. Or maybe they had a bad day and it is a way to vent frustration. Dont take things to seriously, you dont want others to judge you, and you shouldnt judge them either.
Even if you just get 1 good or helpful answer to your question it should be enough. People use this forum in all sorts of ways and that is what it is intended for, its entertainment, dont take it so seriously! Life is short, so live it as you wish!
Reply:People react to others being stupid with sarcasm.
People are not all bad..just most of us.
If people are swearing at you then your questions are probably offensive to them.
Try to be more open minded.
Reply:I've never sworn at you.
I actually think that you like to stir things up a bit and make fun of people. And that's your prerogative, I guess, but it doesn't lead to warm fuzzy feelings and I think your rational enough to know that.
I don't hate you at all. I have agape love for you. I don't think I always trust your motivation in asking questions, and I wish I could.
There is the issue of the subject being debated that can lead to animosity, but the subtext (motivation, underlying meaning) can also lead to mistrust and animosity.
So, what are you all about Jim Darwin?
Reply:You're an idiot and I hate you! I'm going to send you an IM right now to remind you of how stupid your question is.
...because there are a lot of bored stupid people posting here.
Reply:in answer to your question i love you mate and as for the swearing how the **** should i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I love you, Jim! Not everyone - whether atheist or Christian can get along, though, sadly. There are atheists who call us blind and stupid and weak, etc, without even knowing us, and ask questions just to try and hurt us. There are Christians who condemn and judge atheists and use language that is not very becoming of a Christian. Just keep on trying to spread the peace - there's always someone who loves you!
Reply:ad hominem attacks are a sign of poor debate technique and more zeal than knowledge.
Reply:I wondered that too. I mean, I had some fool trying to preach to me telling me I wasn't a Christian because of one of my answers. Well, duh, I never said I was! I think some people are so desperate to get their own point across that they don't have time for those who don't agree.
Reply:Loving others is the hardest thing in the world.
Fear is the polar opposite of love. Most of our world is stuck in fear. Think about it. Every negative emotion, every negative thought, every negative action is rooted in fear. Like the old addage, "Only hurt people, hurt people."
Know, I mean really know, that when people are negative toward you, it is because they themselves feel inadequate. Don't play the victim and let them suck you into their "stuff."
You are a child of God, or the universe, or whatever you believe in. SO BE GREAT.
Reply:Jim i have nothing but love for you and respect. those who hate you without ever getting to know you are not fallowing the true teachings of Jesus and i apologize for them and hope you will not judge all of us believers based on a few who claim to be Christians. they either are not true Christians or do not realize that by hating people they are actually committing a sin. stay strong my friend and as always i will pray for your safe keeping. always your friend me.
Reply:i am sorry if i have snet you anything that has offended you.
i have to admit that i do attack/answer some peoples questions but thet tend to be the people who make commetns about 'children and sex' and those who are generalising.
Reply:I never attack, I just point out flaws. I never try to be mean, I just say what I think at the moment I read the question. I don't try to sweeten it, or be politically correct, or racist, or religist, or any of that. It just so happens that what I say is what I think at that time. Ok?
Reply:Here is lots of *love* from me and a big *HUG*. SMILE! Don't let other people make you feel hate. It is YOU that choses what to feel in your heart. Do you want to feel LOVE or hate? It is simple to do!
Reply:Oh, ya, sorry about that man.
Reply:Attacking you as a person is easy, they don't know anything about you and they can have a go at who they think you are.
Answering the question requires rather more thought than that.
I think that's your answer. Don't let it get to you, I know it's difficult sometimes but you know it makes sense ;-)
Reply:My dear, you just wrote a poem! Congrats =) If mankind ever understands the answers and true meanings of the questions your poem poses we will all be much better off.
Reply:Hi Friend,
In a perfect world then we would be able to agree on a set of rules, treat each other with pure respect, and get a long just fine. Yes, it is unfair but life is not fair. It's time to accept that. Have you heard of sin? It is because of sin humans will always fail each other.
Why do you seek Jesus' authority when you don't even accept it? I am not trying to slam you but I am curious. It sounds like you want to use Jesus against me (I'm a Christian).
Jesus didn't always talk nice. For example, read the following parable:
Luke 19:11-27
As they were listening to this, he went on to tell a parable, because he was near Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately. 12 So he said, "A nobleman went to a distant country to get royal power for himself and then return. 13 He summoned ten of his slaves, and gave them ten pounds, and said to them, 'Do business with these until I come back.' 14 But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, 'We do not want this man to rule over us.' 15 When he returned, having received royal power, he ordered these slaves, to whom he had given the money, to be summoned so that he might find out what they had gained by trading. 16 The first came forward and said, 'Lord, your pound has made ten more pounds.' 17 He said to him, 'Well done, good slave! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small thing, take charge of ten cities.' 18 Then the second came, saying, 'Lord, your pound has made five pounds.' 19 He said to him, 'And you, rule over five cities.' 20 Then the other came, saying, 'Lord, here is your pound. I wrapped it up in a piece of cloth, 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are a harsh man; you take what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.' 22 He said to him, 'I will judge you by your own words, you wicked slave! You knew, did you, that I was a harsh man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then did you not put my money into the bank? Then when I returned, I could have collected it with interest.' 24 He said to the bystanders, 'Take the pound from him and give it to the one who has ten pounds.' 25(And they said to him, 'Lord, he has ten pounds!') 26'I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 27 But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them — bring them here and slaughter them in my presence.'"
Jesus is the standard there buddy. I'll be your friend but please read more about Jesus if you want to use him against me.
Reply:Because some people have no respect a smart-***, and don't act like you couldn't possibly be perceived as one.
Reply:because most of these questions are at the 6th grade level...not yours of course.
Reply:Dont listen to anyone.....some people just come on here for fun cause there so bored with there lifes and instead of answering a question with honesty, they actually think there bieng funny by making the "questioner" feel stupid. Dont let it get to you....some people are jerks.
Reply:Mean people suck because they have nothing better to do.
But take into consideration that there is a decided lack of voice and emphasis on the internet, and that it's hard to tell when someone's joking and when they're not. And a little friendly advice (sans swears): get over it. You can't please all the people all the time, and only some of the people some of the time.
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