Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why are people so hateful against muslims?

I am a muslim living in the US right now. If you people think that oh my god, he must support the terrorists is my thought you are mistaken. Lets get one thing straight, terrorists are NOT muslims (Gasp). Have people tried to research ever how and what the motives of the war was. Did you try to see why nations are mounting against the United States. I don't support the fighting but, have you thought maybe they are in it for strategical positions. I mean look at it, Israel gives them a target of the middle east. Afghanistan gives them a target of Iran and basicly a lot of muslim countries. American people need to wake up to realize that we still live in the world of Imperialism except its hidden in the back alley. Where was the WMD in Iraq. Why is it that every time war is started it is usually because of revenge. I mean look at the Afghanistan. People wanted to kill the people who did this. they weren't even Afghan, but people didn't see that. So why are people so hateful

Why are people so hateful against muslims?
Because it's the world and the world is full of hate. simple as that everyone needs something or someone to put down to make themselves feel better. So it can be a discrimination against religion, sexism, you name it.
Reply:We live in a world of freedom in modern western civilization run by democracy, not an empire. Perhaps the reason Muslims draw so much antagonism is when people like yourself trash our beliefs and system of govt in true Al-Quda-like fashion.

You have the right to go out and make something of yourself, speak your mind, assemble, petition the govt, be critical of it, and choose the religion you want.

Muslims not of a western descent look down on the freedoms and prosperty we have. We are hated as a nation for those reasons and in return for all the resentment the Islamic world has had for the west, that is in turn generating an anti-Muslim response.

So what must be done? The Islamic world needs to stop making excuses for the Al-Queda types. And heres a thought, when buildings in the US are destroyed and thousands killed by terrorists, maybe people in the middle east shouldnt be cheering, laughing, and taking to the streets like their team just won the superbowl.

Reply:People have the right to feel however they wish, however acting on feelings may break laws and then cause them to be arrested and detained and if found guilty imprisoned.

After all is said and done we are only people, and are often governed much more by our emotions then by logic or fact.
Reply:It's simple.

Mohammed was the anti-christ, in the strictest definition of the word.

He told all muslims to follow his example.

real muslims do.

Thus, real muslims, who follow the example set by mohammed, are following the example of the anti-christ, which is the physical embodyment of evil.

if YOU did reasearch, and placed all the quranic suras into chronological order, you would see the truth.

until then,

your question gets a; FAIL
Reply:First i would like to say peace be with you brother! I am a Christian and we both want to live in peace. I know that the extremists that commit these atrocities do not speak for your people as a whole. It has brought alot of hate upon your people because the actions of these killers. We( Christians) have done the same thing in the crusades. It was wrong and no one can justify it. Muslims use to call Christians the people of the Book. Dont think that Christians want revenge. Christians beleive that Vengence is mine says the Lord. They will get punished for thier sins as will all who wont serve God. Ishmael was raised in all the ways of Abrahams God for 14 years before Hagar and Ishmael departed regretfully. Somewhere somehow there will be peace, I would say that it will be in the after life. Hope to see you there.
Reply:It is a prejudice.
Reply:I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists. But you should know that American Muslims do NOT believe the same things as arabic muslims. Do some research.Those people really ARE crazy. And one of those desert presidents thinks it's his spiritual DUTY to start WWIII to bring the 12th Imam onstage!

BTW, the WMD's were trucked out of Iraq while the UN inspectors played footsie games with Saddam. They're safely stored away in Syria right now. You just don't hear that from the Liberal American press.
Reply:Beacause alot people are uneducated about Islam So Islam seems very weird to the Kuffar (non-Muslim)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, `Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers.` It was asked, `Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?` He replied, `Those that correct the people when they become corrupt.
Reply:I don't assume all Muslims are terrorists however, I do feel that the religion is very intolerant. A provincial religion is likely to lead to unacceptance and violence. I would befriend any Muslim however, I would never marry one.
Reply:its only in ur imagination, i mean go to arabic countries and look how muslims treat christians.....
Reply:There are many Muslims who believe in a more modern interpetation of the Qu'ran and Haddiths . But they fear saying so publically . Reformers are sued into povety at best . Others are murdered . Even a father killed his daughter for not wearing a hajib . In fact this happened both in Canada and Texas . If the west were to be able to identify these Islamic reformers , they would be subject to much less hatered . PBS did a documentary of this but is afraid to air it . Yahoo! wont even let me post a link to it .

I will try to get this Video link to you by putting spaces in it . You'll have to remove the spaces and paste it into your browser box .

I'll try to squeeze it in as a full link :

Also there are A large NUMBER of Muslims who do believe in violence against women and homosexuals , and have a hatred of Americans .

Support for terrorism: All the Muslim populations polled display a solid majority of support for Osama bin Laden. Asked whether they have confidence in him, Muslims replied positively, ranging between 8% (in Turkey) and 72% (in Nigeria). Likewise, suicide bombing is popular. Muslims who call it justified range from 13% (in Germany) to 69% (in Nigeria). These appalling numbers suggest that terrorism by Muslims has deep roots and will remain a danger for years to come.(Excerpt from below link)
Reply:You are what we call the "Western/American-ized muslim" and you apparently have an easy time letting your lack of conscience override the truth of what occurs in ALL muslim dominant countries. If you are SO FOR THE WAY OF LIFE, why not jump right back on in? Buy a plane ticket, and live it up muslim style....cut and bleed your childrens heads, strap bombs to all youth, hand them all an automatic, and in your spare time......stare MESMERIZED into the islamic sharia law led "TELEVISION" (ahem...mind control...). What other 'religions' do these things and then BROADCAST them for the world to see???----THEN, turn around an annhiliate all who oppose converting to the satanic psychotic cult??? Do not tell me there are "peaceful minded" muslims, it cannot be= what else do you expect CULTURAL AND TELEVISED/RADIO MIND NUMBING to reap? Goodness? OR HATE and PRIMATIVE ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES.

I believe what I have learned thru much research...islam is highly dangerous, and all encompassing...very hard to break away from. I can guarantee you: if you decided to leave my church and one would even THINK about MURDERING YOU. Proof.
Reply:I believe you are missing a few basic points.

What do you mean when you say "terrorists are not Muslims"? Do you mean that the religious affiliation of most terrorist groups in the Middle East is not Muslim? We know that isn't true.

Do you mean that their motivations have nothing to do with Islam? We also know that isn't true. These groups specifically use Islamic beliefs as a justification for what they do.

Now, you may point out to me that such viewpoints are really a perversion of Islamic ideas and that the majority of Muslims do not subscribe to such views. I would agree with you on that point. (I'm not an expert on Islam.) Nevertheless, this usage of Islamic beliefs does in fact occur and I find it a little perplexing why you would deny such a thing.

If I were to say that you support terrorists merely because you are Muslim then yes, that would be hateful of me. But to merely point out what I have pointed out above and to say that it is a potential threat is not hateful.
Reply:Sorry about that man, here in Wisconsin there is a large number of muslims and hindis so most people are pretty tolerant including me. Actually, alot of my friends are muslim (just because I can't stand christians)
Reply:by 'hateful' do you mean the freedom of worship that you have? (compare with the 'freedom' of worship christians have in muslim countries?)

what about the muslims who were planting bombs in london in the uk? some of these people had been educated at british schools at the states expense (and free medical care too) and they end up using themselves as suicide bombers

also why has the muslim community remained SILENT over 911? no disclaiming of those who did it that i have ever seen - do muslims agree with that?

you claim that christians are 'hateful' when if we look at your religion where your founder murdered during his lifetime and encouraged his followers to 'kill christians jews and hindus wherever you find them' - is it any wonder? compare that with jesus who HEALED people and didnt resist being arrested and sent to his death.
Reply:I don't generalize and i do not assume all muslims are terrorists .
Reply:see how muslim in Indonesia treat other religion believer.. you will understand how christian hates Islam very much..
Reply:People are afraid of what they don't understand. And there are few people in America that can truly say they understand Islam. The number is growing, however, my whole 7th grade history class included! :)
Reply:i have to say there are peoble out there who hate muslims but not only muslims, christians and other religion are also hatet, why that is i dont know but i know it is not right, everyone has a right to have the religion they want, iam a christian and i dont hate you or anyone else, i love all of you no matter what religion, what country, black, white and we are all humans and should not call each other words or hate, we all can live in peace but we do have some who just have to be hatefull and they know it makes us all upset, dont pay attention to them because as i said there are peoble out there who understand, there hatefull because they dont have nothing else to do exept put peoble down. have a nice day.
Reply:I don't have anything against Muslims in general I hate the ones that attacked the U.S. and Madrid,the Taliban,those morons who kill their daughters for "honour" and such.

I hate those muslims that march on British streets utilising freedom of speech to condemn and threaten anyone using same freedom of speech to raise awareness of the dangers of islamic extremism.

My Muslim neighbour feels the same way.
Reply:well, ya know, most Americans are media driven creatures. they think and believe what they're told to think and believe. if Fox or NBC or ABC "News" shows them enough film footage of the Twin Towers crumbling and angry Muslims shaking their fists at a burning American flag and use the words Muslim extremist repeatedly then it doesn't matter to fear filled Mr. %26amp; Mrs Joe Sixpack where in the world a Muslim hails from ... it's "kill em all and let God sort em out".

it's just a whole lot easier to hate a whole group of people then to differentiate between sects, countries and individuals.

have you taken notice of what passes for journalism in America nowadays? whatta joke! Americans are being so dumbed down they don't even have the smarts left to realize they're being dumbed down.

PS. HA! look at all the pontificating Americans wagging fingers at the Muslim zealots of the world after 100s of thousand of innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed, uncounted maimed and 10s of thousands displaced in America's for profit war. righto. Muslims are uncivilized savages but somehow Americans are not. my fellow Americans ... you embarrass me.
Reply:Some peoples' nature is to hate. People hate Muslims mainly because it's hard for them to get into Muslims business. Any time people feel threaten or haven't found a way to take control over, will constanly criticize or try and put down people in order to justify their hatred for certain nationalities of people, and their own wrong doings to these people. They play the victims in this case.
Reply:Ummm well Terrorists are Muslims...just because you try to delude yourself to think they aren't you are wrong. Try reading the book Social Justice in Islam. Islam is an ignorant, uneducated religion. It thrives on keeping it's followers ignorant. The only reason you aren't is because you live in the United States. If you lived in Saudi Arabia they would have stoned you already. The people don't disgust me...the religion does.
Reply:I can only say why i think they are so hateful. I cant speak for them. I believe that its is because no one can see past ethnic and religious back grounds. They see what is in front of them instead of what is inside. We need to look at everyone as a person and not a thing. We all have feeling, we wouldn't want the same treatment that we dish out to be dished out on us. So then why be hateful. Just learn how to Love and Respect other and to Forgive for we would want to be forgiven for our mistakes. This is for all not just you the asker.
Reply:Look I'm not saying I hate Muslims. But the world has had a lot of problems with them. Not only in the US, but in England, Canada, Sweden, and a lot of African countries. In Canada there were Muslims threatening to cut off the prime ministers head. In the Uk there were bomb threats. These Muslims were born and educated in these countries. In Nigeria imams were killing Christians just because they weren't Muslim . These are just a few of the things that have happened. You know after all these extremists in Muslim countries and extremists in non Muslim countries you have to admit people are going to be suspicious.

In Muslim countries often women aren't treated equally, in non Muslim countries they come and change everything. Suddenly they have to have special pool times for Muslim girls, suddenly the police have to change their uniform to accommodate Muslims, they can wear things on their head where it is considered disrespectful in other cultures simply because they're Muslim. it's almost like saying "my beliefs are more important than yours." Muslims get their own schools. If I went to a Muslim country I would do what they would do, as would most people.

I'm not saying I am against Muslims nor am I defending Christians. I'm merely stating reasons why some people might judge you.
Reply:i don't hate muslims, but a few of them ruined my perception of muslims when they flew planes into buildings.
Reply:I live in the US also and you have no idea that since I am not muslim but of brown skin color people used to kind of pick on me before and call me Hindu but after the attack everyone has been scared of me. I went to a really mean school where nobody but all the asians used to be really really really mean and pick on me really really badly but after that nobody said a word becuase they thought i was muslim even though i wasn't.

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