Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are rural people sick of Obama and his arrogant insulting style?

Clinton's up by 9 in a new rasmusen poll, up by 6 in another, and 20 in another. I think Obama is heading south in the polls, %26amp; deservedly so. He basically said rural people R a bunch of dummies who can't get good-paying jobs %26amp; they R bitter about it. He also said rural people "cling" to the bible, guns, %26amp; hate different kinds of people, because of their bitterness about being unable 2 get good-paying jobs. He also said rural people R so dumb they don't even know they do these things (cling to the bible, guns, %26amp; hate people who R different) because they R bitter because they can't get good-paying jobs. Obama's a total arrogant elitist jerk who looks down on rural people like rural people R rats in a maze. I want rural Americans 2 know that I'm a Clinton supporter %26amp; I respect %26amp; love 4 my rural brothers %26amp; sisters. I loathe Obama 4 the stuff he said about U even though I'm a city dweller. U R all welcome at my house anytime.

Are rural people sick of Obama and his arrogant insulting style?
Yes, I'm pretty much sick of his arrogance. I'm as rural as you can get and I have a good job, a good education, and I'm quite intelligent. I don't cling to religion or guns and I have no hate in my heart. He started losing my support a long time ago and Rev. Wright didn't help him at all and now that he sees me as a "typical white person", I certainly won't vote for someone who generalizes Americans by region, religion, or race. 2D
Reply:Thx for the hospitality, friend. I saw through that snake oil salesman from day 1. Things that sound too good to be true usually are. Little by little, Obama's true nature and agenda is being revealed. Every American, not just us rural folk, should be offended. His elitist attitude insults us all.
Reply:Yea I think he himself is the one full of retheric... and insult like you said.

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