Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why people seek for violence?

Since a long time ago. From when people gathered together as tribes and some people grow stronger, there had always been people seeking for brutallity.

People had wars, fights, and murderies. First they started fighting each other for power and some other things. They also had gladiators fiht each other to death.

And now again war.

Isn't it all enough?

It is people who suffer wars. It is them who will lose everything so why there are still people seeking war?

Isn't it enough?

Why people seek for violence?
What are you on about???
Reply:Man has not learned to live with each other on a day to day basis. War is just the extreme result of this. Until man accepts God and completely worship him, we are doomed to fighting. God's play is love and acceptance. War is the complete opposite mixed with violence.
Reply:I am afraid not. the reason for war is the failure to have your grievance answered in a acceptable way. Sort of like the bully who can no longer make a good vocal argument so he resorts to violence as a new way to argue his point. Thus we have all this Islamic unrest as the problems of that culture aren't being addressed in an acceptable way. So they fight those who they think are the cause of there problems sometimes this is justified sometimes not. In any case all sides are so busy killing one another that no one will try to really look at and solve the causes of this unrest.
Reply:It is one of the mankind laws on the earth to fight for his own rights.Studies showed that about 80% of the humanity history is wars while only 20%of the history is peace.So it is too difficult to eliminate wars but man should not start war unless all other diplomatic measures are used and the war should be justified and fair not for revenge or to destroy the other for trivial reasons.
Reply:Because, instead of following God's commandment to love and serve Him first and foremost, and then serve and love each other, we gave in to things like power, greed, status, and material things.

for profits.

Reply:Because this isn't heaven.

There is war because there is no peace.

There is no peace, because there is war.

And on and on and on....

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