From what i've seen in the world and on Yahoo and on television, there are several key differences.
Straight people are afraid of and/or hate GLBT people, while the GLBT people seem just fine with the straight people.
Straight people will dry hump in public and complain about GLBT people holding hands, while the GLBT people just want the dry humping in public to stop.
Straight people have developed all sorts of words and phrases to try to offend GLBT people, while the GLBT people don't really have anything equal to this.
So from what I see...GLBT people seem to turn the other cheek, respect personal space and control their public displays of affection and judge very little.
While the straight community judges, commits perverted acts in public far beyond most things we do, sling names, and insult.
And tell us God hates us..even though the bible says not to judge. And not to insult others. Love thy enemy and all that.
And they say we're confused. What do you think?
The difference between straight and GLBT people...?
The ONLY difference between straight and Gay/lesbian people is who we 're sexually attracted to.
The sooner EVERYONE realises that, the sooner the hate will stop.
Reply:Well this way Straight People Can't Keep an Open Mind, LGBT Do, Straight are Ignorant, Gays and Lesbians listen, Straight People prey to God because they live in Fear, LGBT Members aren't Afraid to Challenge the Status Quo and Family Values.
Best Example of GLBT Member Rosie O'Donnell
Worst Example of Tradition George W Bush
Reply:Too much stereotypes.
Dont agree.
Reply:For the biggest part, I'd have to say that your observation is pretty much spot-on. I'm very aware that I'm in the minority: I'm a heterosexual who openly encourages everyone to be happy--regardless of your sexual preferences. Also, being an Atheist, I have yet to condemn anybody into Hell for any reason whatsoever.
But the very things you noticed are the very reasons why I'm here. Mutual respect is not only possible, it's well worth striving for.
I see no confusion on your part, nor on mine. The other guys, of course... well, we'll work on them. What do you say?
Reply:You are so right in every way. I'm straight, but I've had gay family members and gay friends all my life, and I've always told my kids being gay or straight is like having brown eyes or blue - some are one, some are the other. But I've often noticed the people who are most "disgusted" by gay couples holding hands or being normally affectionate (hugging, brief kiss, arms around each other) in public are the same ones who have the grossest PDAs themselves (groping body parts, lengthy face sucking, public makeout sessions) without thinking hey, maybe we don't want to watch THEM. I think maybe they're not secure in their own orientation, so they have to put on these public shows to prove how hetero they are. And as to the Christian thing - that to me is the biggest puzzle of the modern Christian era: how people who go around thumping their chests about what great "Christians" they are don't see the obvious contradiction between their professed love of Christ and the vicious hateful things they say and advocate towards GLBT people. And with the public and political climate the way it is now, these attitudes have seeped out into the mainstream and people now casually say anti-gay things the way people casually used the N-word 50 years ago. Young people are practically brainwashed into anti-gay thoughts and anti-gay language has become part of the lexicon. My kids are used to whenever anything like this comes up I remind them about Matthew Shepard, and all the people whose hearts were broken because they weren't allowed into the ICU to be with their loved one due to a hateful family of origin, and on and on and on. I agree with the poster the other day who said the gay community had been cowed and needs to muscle their voting power together. No Democratic candidate should be allowed to not support gay marriage - why doesn't anyone ever say the same arguments against gay marriage were made 50 years ago against biracial couples? Substitute same-sex language for the different race language %26amp; it is EXACTLY the same. And log cabin Republicans are an abomination! That makes as much sense as an African American joining the KKK because he doesn't like Jews - hey, they agree on some things, right? I could rant on, but you said it perfectly in every way.
Reply:Please don't lump all straight people in that definition together. The majority of straight people I know are not like that. I understand your frustration, but I, along with a lot of other straight people, stand up and fight for the rights of all people.
Reply:What you have said without having said it is there are a lot of straight people out there that are hypocrits. There are many other words that descibe the people you have pointed out but none should be used here even though they have been and are much more graphic in description than the kindly words you have choosen
Well said, Here!!! Here!!!. Bravo.
Reply:as a straight man i am appalled by the way lgbt are treated.
i was raised by a gay man and maybe that's why i think differently than the righteous few but i teach my kids tolerance of all.
love knows no gender and i want my kids to live in a world where you are judged on merit not because of who you happen to be in love with
Reply:Geeese! for once, I could not have put it better! From me, that is a compliment....good statements, you seemed to have summed up everything.
On the otherhand, I have noticed that Straights seem to be offended by being called "Breeders." Such is life. :-)
Reply:I'm striaght, a buddhist %26amp; Christian. I don't hump people in public. I have gay guy friends though that dress really nice. I like guys that dress and usually the gay guys I know can although one of my gay friends hates shopping but he helps me with my skin I frickin love him. And actually I argue with other Christians because you're right, Jesus does love everyone.
Reply:The only constant and measurable difference between the two groups is their sexual preference. We shouldn't demonize straight folks and deify GLBT.
Reply:Pwn... I love you. In gay ways.. You nailed every thing on the head, I'm just waiting for the fundies to find this and start ranting.
Reply:It's a sick, sad world my friend.
Reply:I think you give straight people a bad name, sorry.
You're stereotyping them, as we have been stereotyped.
They're not all gay bashers. It just seems so prevalent since everyone in the government is really anti-gay, and they really have the control over the gay rights laws.
A lot of them are gay activists.
Reply:nicely put!!!!
Reply:Wow good one.Nicely put dude.5 stars for u.
Reply:i love you and i dont even know you. but that was very nicely put and i wish more heterosexuals could see it in that light
Reply:I disagree with you. First, I am not afraid of GLBT people. I don't like it when when they hit on me and they know I am straight. That is just being disrespectful to me. If I know a woman I like is lesbian I respect that and don't make a move on her. That is the proper thing to do. I never dry hump anything in public or commit any perverted acts in public. I have never developed a new phrase to offend gay people, those phrases have been there long before I was born. And I don't believe in God. Therefore I would never tell you that God hates you. Please don't Corral all straight people into one single group. I am straight. And I don't belong to the group you just described. As far as I am concerned. I don't care if you are gay. As long as you are happy and not killing or harming anyone else. I say "live and let live".
Reply:as a member of the LGBT community, i want to defend our square friends, here...
May I point out that many straights hold the same belifs of open-mindedness that we do. May I also say that I've heard many a gay utter derogitor straight phrases. I think that it is partially that there are so many MORE straights then gays, so i think that obviously there are MORE mean straights than gays, but it's probably the same percent as int he LGBT community, if that makes sense.
But yes, some days, I do feel this way, too. I wish peopel weren't so closed minded.
Reply:Very well said %26amp; you're right
Reply:Very intresting points. I like you.
Reply:Queer club members are weaklings that cannot master a small deceiving thought. The poor cry babies love pointing their little fingers at people that are disgusted with embarassing acts and appetites.
GLBT, (grow up a little bit) and before you quote read read the whole book. You might just discover the last page says your lot will be shut out with dogs and socerers.
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