Thursday, August 19, 2010

Uncircumcised people?

There seems to be alot of people claiming that uncircumsised penises are cleaner and people claim that circumsised penises you have to clean everyday.

Let me ask you this, do circumsised people even wash there penis, it seems that having a forskin means people are more obliged to wash there penis and keep it clean, while circumsised people just ignore it, is that what there implying.

Circumsised or natutal people should wash there penis thourly everyday, what is your opinion.

Uncircumcised people?
My opinion is the same as yours, pal! The hygiene issue is a complete myth, and I would hope that circumsized guys don't use their cut status as an excuse not to wash.
Reply:Yeah it's kind of a given that you have to clean it everyday. I don't see how circumsizing a guy makes his penis cleaner, the foreskin is meant to be there, it protects it from disease and such.
Reply:There is only a very slight hygenic benefit to being circumcised. From my experience, uncircumcised penises always have a little funky odor. I dunno, some may like it. It's not a big deal for me, but I sway a bit to the circumcised side.
Reply:Ummm im uncircumcised ive never had an infection or any trouble with my foreskin. I clean myself daily like any normal person should for not just genital reasons but for just general sanitary reasons. So basically you dont have to bath everyday if your circumcised? while it might be more conveinent...its kinda gross.
Reply:Guys should just be clean, regardless of whether they are cut or not--most never had the choice of being cut, but we have to live with it. I've seen/smelled a number of guys who were cut and needed to wash down there badly!
Reply:Penises are only as clean as their owners, no exception, be you cut or intact. Clean people with intact penises don't even need to clean the penis daily, as it doesn't get that dirty that fast, not to mention the fact that it takes a few seconds to clean it. I'm intact, and I'm clean, and I've never had an infection or anything of the sort. The cleanliness argument for circumcision simply holds no sway.
Reply:I'm with you. I don't understand the hygiene issue where people say that they circumcise so boys don't have to "worry" about being clean down there. Uh, you mean circumcised men don't wash their genitals?! YIKES!
Reply:I think that the penis circumsised or not harbours alot of bacteria, it rapes people, spreads aids, etc. Why dont they just chop it off completlly and leave a small hole, when people want a kid a small electric charge applied to the prostate should relase sperm, what do you think.
Reply:I totally agree. The pro-circumcision people seem to think the operation is a complete substitute for basic personal hygiene.
Reply:Totally Agree!
Reply:Very good point! Anybody that thinks you don't have to wash circumcised genitals is sorely mistaken. Its really not that hard to wash a penis, people seem to think that their boys are too stupid to properly clean themselves. If the can't be trusted to clean under their foreskin, I don't see how we can trust them to clean at all. If little girls can be trusted to clean between their labia properly, little boys can manage the much easier task of cleaning thier penis. (Heck, the skin shouldn't even pull back until they are much older- as opposed to girl who have to clean "down there" from a very young age) -Neb
Reply:There is no benefit to circumcision. It was started as a means to desensitize the penis to prevent boys from masturbating. Many false benefits have been claimed in an attempt to keep the practice alive. Male Circumcision is now illegal in most European countries because it is sexual child abuse.


1832: prevents nocturnal emissions

1845: prevents masturbation

1855: prevents syphilis

1865: cures epilepsy

1870: cures epilepsy

1870: prevents spinal paralysis

1871: Jews are immune to masturbation

1873: cures bed wetting

1875: cures curvature of the spine

1875: cures paralysis of the bladder

1875: cures clubfoot

1879: cures nocturnal seminal emissions

1879: curse abdominal neuralgia

1881: cures eye problems

1886: prevents crossed eyes

1888: prevents masturbating

1890: cures blindness

1890: cures deafness

1890: cures dumbness

1891: "foreskin constitutes a harbor for filth"

1891: "foreskin is a constant source of irritation"

1891: conduces to masturbation

1891: adds to the difficulties of sexual continence

1894: circumcising Blacks prevents them from raping White women

1894: cures urinary incontinence

1894: cures rectal incontinence

1900: needed to desensitize the penis

1901: needed to desensitize the penis

1902: foreskin causes epilepsy

1914: Dr. Abraham L Wolbarst demands compulsory circumcision

1914: prevents tuberculosis

1926: prevents penile cancer.

1930: Dr. Norton Henry Bare claims that he has cured a boy of epilepsy by circumcising him

1932: prevents penile cancer

1935: promotes chastity

1941: blunts sexual sensitivity

1941: foreskin must be forcibly retracted and scrubbed daily

1942: prevents prostate cancer

1949: prevents venereal disease

1949: prevents cancer of the tongue

1949: elimination circumcisions in the United Kingdom

1951: Abraham Ravich invents the falsehood that circumcision prevents cervical cancer in women.

1953: creates immunity to all physical illness

1953: creates immunity to all mental illness

1954: prevents cervical cancer in women

1969: cures masturbation

1969: cures nervousness

1971: prevents cancer of the bladder

1971: prevents cancer of the rectum

1973: "all who disagree with circumcision are mentally ill"

1985: prevents urinary tract infections

1986: prevents AIDS

1988: prevents strept throat

1989: Edgar J. Schoen declares circumcision is necessary

1991: Edgar J. Schoen tries and fails to convince European countries to institute mass circumcision.

1991: Aaron J. Fink declares mass circumcision is necessary to prevent sand from getting under soldiers' foreskins.

1993: Gerald N. Weiss declares that Langerhands cells in the foreskin lead to HIV infection.

1997: Edgar J. Schoen tries and fails once again to convince European countries to institute mass circumcision.

2003: Edgar J. Schoen steps up pressure on American Academy of Pediatrics to reverse its policy on circumcision, claiming that circumcision prevents AIDS.
Reply:Really, i don't think boys are incapable of pulling back the foreskin to clean it, you don't have to remove it because you think he wouldn't do it. People COME ON! It's genital mutilation!
Reply:I agree you are only as clean as you wash and only as STD free as you use condoms/don't sleep around. And yes it is crazy do people think circumcised guys don't wash? They smell and get infections too if they don't wash. OK so an uncut guy has to pull the foreskin back for maximum cleanliness. People think this is too hard? It doesn't retract on most kids so they don't have to worry about it, but most people brush their teeth from age 6 or 8 onwards, and parents trust them with that. And yes if uncircumcised people wash their bits even more because they're uncut then that's even better.

Some people (mostly girls) just think because inside a foreskin can be warm and moist, it will automatically breed loads of germs etc...but genitals are meant to be like that, and besides how's the vagina for warm and moist? Why is exposing the genitalia so they dry up, touch more stuff etc. cleaner?
Reply:A circumcised penis is much cleaner! I was circumcised at 18 and still shower twice a day, but when I was uncut I could have washed 4x a day plus and still have a smell! There is a reason why most uncut guys harbor the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer in women!

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