Thursday, August 19, 2010

People who are "touchy"
about those who are

Please Read: This question has to do with people who do not respect people who are religious/spiritual and their beliefs.

I have noticed a few people on Yahoo Answers who do not respect people who give an answer that mentions God or something pertaining to that subject.

People who have a relationship with God have a right to voice their opinions too, not to respect that is not worthy of asking a question. It also shows a high level of immaturity to attack that person if they have not provoked trouble.

Has this happened to you? It hasn't happened to me, I pitty the fool who'd try!

People who are "touchy"

about those who are

I'm a Christian, and I agree with you. I think that if there is no judgement or condemnation in the answer, and if the answer is relevant to the question, there should be no problem. I have gotten rude comments from some of those who are non-religious, but only in the site.

However, there is another side to the coin. The sad fact is that the only e-mails I have gotten that were rude and uncalled for were from other Christians, and I've also had other Christians behave rudely on the site.

Seems that some people from all worldviews need to mind their manners now and then.
Reply:respect to all is important ; that includes christians respecting others who are not christian ,like me .I'm wiccan and have received some abuse for that
Reply:you want respect and tolerance?

Reply:Now be nice, but they too have their say. Use it as a tool to teach them. Controversey is the spice of life!
Reply:Me personally,no. Christians in general,yes.Let us continue to build the bridges to communication and tolerance not burn them. We have the great opportunity to share our beliefs and lead by example.Let's go for it.Peace.
Reply:Mention God and some get upset. Mention Jesus and they get downright nasty. He said that the world would hate him, and it does. I personally love him. He is the only true and living God. Someday, everyone will see and accnowledge that. Like it or not. Jesus said so. Sorry if I ticked someone off.
Reply:We esecially Americans should respect everyones right to believe or ont to believe whatever they choose. unfortuneately we seem to be the worst at this. its a shame and an embarrasment.
Reply:No. This has not happened to me. The bible says that you have to be wise as a serpent ans harmless as a dove.

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