Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why are people so rude?!?

I work at a restaurant and I'm nothing but pleasant and friendly to people yet it never fails that more people are rude than not. People will give you a dirty look even if they don't know you. My favorite is when I greet someone as they come into the restaurant and they totally ignore you! And these people are perfectly capable of hearing and speaking, they just choose to be rude. I really cannot understand this. It's not only when I'm working but today I went into CVS and this woman that checked me out was very rude and unpleasant after I said "hi" with a smile and she threw my change in my hand and didn't even bag my stuff she just left it on the counter for me to pick up with a frown and glare on her face. It makes me sad how rude and unfriendly people are. God loves us!! That's something to smile and be happy about! Why are people so mean to people they don't even know?!

Why are people so rude?!?
I can totally understand your situation because I go through that daily. After years of trying to figure it out, I still can't understand why people are so rude and unfriendly. I believe they just are. Especially in fast food and retail. I used to work in retail while I was in college. At one point. I was a greeter which was the worst job in the world. I was supposed to say hello to customers coming in the store. One out of a hundred will actually say hello back. There are many reasons why people are so hateful:

1. They think they are better than you

2. They are racist

3. You remind them of someone that they didn't like

4. They hate their jobs because they get paid nothing.

5. They are jealous of you because you seem like a nice person and they think that they should make your life miserable by being rude to you.

6. They have family problems or personal problems and they bring it to work.

7. The customer before them was rude to them. They may have had a customer before you that looked like you that was rude to them.

8. They have no social skills or manners and they can be rude because they can get away with it.

9. They don't care if they are rude and choose to be that way

10. People that work at CVS are that way. I have been shopping at CVS for 2 years and not one person there has every told me "thank you".

I mean there could be a whole bunch of reasons. But I understand that you are bothered by it. I myself always greet and say thank you to the clerk even though they ignore me too.

It is their job but I end up initiating it. People today have no manners. I taught elementary kids and you'd be amazed how many kids I have to teach to say "thank you" because they don't know how. Maybe their parents didn't raise them right.

I can't be rude to people even if they are rude to me. That is what seperates you from them because you know that you are a better person then they are. I smile and say hello to people all the time and get ignored or glared at.

Don't stop being friendly or professional. It's their problem they are rude. People will always be rude . You're better than them when it comes to customer service and don't turn into them. I wish I could meet friendly people like you when I go shopping, I would like to be smiled and greeted as a customer.

We need more people like you in stores!
Reply:I know! I remember a day when anyone you smiled at smiled back at you; we used to think smiling was contagious. Now if you smile at someone they scrunch up their faces and look at you like, "What's your problem?"
Reply:it seems like they feel that u are in a sevants position and so being rude come natural since they are in charge? i mean in charge like telling u what they want and u have to get it.. how often does a person get to tell someone else what they want? i agree totally rude. and those who throw ur cash aremad cus they have to work that bull **** job
Reply:i know what you mean. its love baby.

but for every person that is rude theres another person 50x sweeter. their around.
Reply:I don't know what is wrong with people, try working fast food for awhile OMG!
Reply:I'm right there with ya. Fortunately, I can tell you from personal experience that where you are has everything to do with it. Certain areas tend to have concentrations of a certain attitude which is reinforced every time people within that area interact. If the general attitude is friendly, people will be (for the most part) friendly with each other, whereas if there's a lot of anger, that also is reinforced. It gets to where people just expect to treat and be treated that way.

My suggestion to you is to find a place that's friendlier. It's not always about the wealth strata or ethnic demographics of an area, so I can't tell you to look for a rich or poor area, white or black (or yellow or green), because I've experienced the good and the bad in all of those types of areas. But there are places where people are generally fairly content with their lots in life, and therefore have an easier time being friendly to each other. Go there.
Reply:The sad truth is that some people just don't know how to behave. Maybe they think that by being rude they have some sort of power over others.

Sometimes people are rude unintentionally, because they may do things differently in their culture but really don't intend to offend anyone, and sometimes the person being rude may just have had the worst possible day imaginable and it isn't you or anything you did that causes them to be rude, but something else entirely. Once a friend of mine sat down to have some coffee at a cafe and she had her baby there. The couple at the next table immediately moved to the other side of the room. She assumed they were being intolerant. But then I told her about my sister who lost twin babies who were born at 22 weeks. It was hard for her to even look at a baby, and so maybe this couple might have had some tragic loss too and were just trying to cope.

Maybe that rude person had just lost a job, had her car break down and had a pile of bils arrive all at the same time. Or maybe she was just mean and nasty and rude. The fact is that you had nothing to do with it so all you can do is pray for her so that she feels God's love and then focus on the positive people around you. I know that in your industry you cop a lot of abuse, but there are a lot of people who appreciate your efforts even if they remain silent. Go on out there and keep making the world a friendlier place. :)
Reply:The work ethic and friendly customer service is pretty much gone with the horse and buggy.
Reply:Most of the people are rude because they are just miserable, with their jobs their lifes and everything else that surrounds them. Unfortunately they are all around us, so don't get upset about, just ignore them when they are rude.
Reply:I agree with you! Oh my gosh.
Reply:that happened alot when I was a waitress, there are all kinds in this scewed up world, all we can do is be our lovely self's, I think the nicer you are the more people will get the hint, %26amp; stop whatever it is there doing, as for the rude cashier, you hate to report them to there manager, but no one deseves that kind of treatment, My bosses always told me leave your problems at home when you come to work.Mabey if someone just freaked out on people like that cashier for the world to see, it might wake a few people up, I,,ve never had the nerve to do that, even though I,ve wanted to lots of times.
Reply:im very sorry about your bad day.i have that same experience until i find myself not wanting to vtell anyone hello unless they tell me hi first.just look at it this did your were pleasent.god is happy for that,now its for these people to get their lives together.keep up the ggod work:)

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