I recently came upon a question stating " I hate ugly people."
She was apparently repulsed by unattractive people. While many respondents were justifiably horrified, one answer delighted in her dislike of "ugly" people.
Are there actually people who discriminate by people's facial structure just like some discriminate against skin color?
What a society! We are trained to be more "beautiful" instead of smart and compassionate. Horrid.
Do people really discriminate against ugly people?
Well I mean, if you're HORRIBLY ugly, of course you are going to be discriminated. No one would hire an ugly ugly girl to work the front desk. Thats life. :)
Reply:Yes...Yes there are. Yep, yep yep. Even in our society it seems that attractive people are treated better and sometimes gets better jobs in the long run. It actually reminds me of a twilight zone called, the eyes of the beholder, which is kinda ironic cause the ugly people in that show that was being discriminated against were attractive people in a world where ugly was the beauty
Reply:There have been studies done that show that beauty is very important in life. There is considerable evolutionary pressure to prefer beautiful people. They are most likely to make a good partner with healthy kids. There isn't much you can do about something that is ingrained in us like that, sad as it may be.
But after the first reaction when meeting someone, personality does become more important. So getting a job if your're attractive will be easier for you, but keeping it is something else again.
Yah, I don't like that either. I'm pretty, but overweight, so in this culture, no go.
That I hate ugly people person was probably a teenager screwing around, a troll I think they call them on here.
Reply:Yes that does happen alot of times. It's sad but true. I don't discriminate against anybody other than ingront people. I'll admit that I'm not best looking guy, but I'm ugly neither.The people that discriminate are insecure of themslves and try to make themselves look better in other people eyes. I don't worry about thoes of people, i'm secure in myself. I wouldn't worry about people like that, That person that wrote "I hate ugly people" has no live and she is insecure about her looks. She is swallow.
Reply:yeah, this day and age people definitely make looks a number one priority... thanks to things like fashion magazines and pornography, women are FORCED to look beautiful whether they feel like it or not. society tells men that they aren't doing good unless they have a girlfriend with boobs that gravitate toward the sky and a booty that gravitates sideways... and tells girls that they are nobody unless their face is equivelant on both sides and their teeth are straight. it really sucks. but thankfully, there are those who don't give a ratsass what society tells them and appreciate differences.
Reply:i have no problem with anyone... i do notice at my job though.. ( i am a waitress at a fancy restaurant until im done with law school) that there are no ugly waitress's... i have seem them apply,. but dont get hired. i dont think the majority of people "hate" ugly people... i just think that pretty people are held higher.. not saying that its right.. i just think thats how society is.
Reply:because people want to feel better about themselves by telling other people that their less than them
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