Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Any people of you know that Muslims aren't terrorists?

"All Muslims are terrorists." I think that this is a very very wrong opinion that many people have about muslim. NO, muslims aren't people that go and blow themselves up and go and kill many innocent people. The real religion of Islam is a religion of peace that actually is strongly against those acts. Islam is a religion that promotes good things not bad things. I think that many americans misjudge Muslims just because there are some people who claim to be "muslims" and commit sucide and other wrong acts. All muslims arent like that. Actually most muslims are peaceful people and think that those acts of suicide and terror is wrong. I am one of those muslims that are strongly against acts of terrorism. Some people need to stop killing themselves and say that they are doing it in the name of Allah - (our god)and that they are doing Jihad for their religion of Islam. Also I think that not all muslims are terrorists and we shouldn't all be catagorized as terrorists if we are Muslim.

Any people of you know that Muslims aren't terrorists?
While it is true that not all terrorists are Muslim, the Muslim Ummah is going to need to confront the fact that, at the moment, most terrorists are Muslim.

You don't need to confront this for the benefit of western society, but for Muslim societies. At the moment, with terrorists blowing up Mosques in Iraq, oil refineries in Saudi Arabia and what have you, a lot of the innocent victims of Islamist extremists are innocent Muslims.

Those innocent Muslims need people like you to confront the terrorists. Rather than convincing non-Muslims about the peacable nature of Islam, I think good Muslims like you need to start trying to convince the extremists in the Ummah of the peacable nature of Islam.
Reply:People like you need to be *way* more vocal in defending your religion from the violent extremists.

Sadly, muslims have allowed the extremist elements to take over their religion. By their very nature, extremists are going to be more visible, so a strong counter message is necessary.

Instead I hear very little about the mainstream. When extremists staged the whole flap over the Dutch cartoons, and incited riots in which people died, I heard very little from muslims condemning it.

Where are the reasonable mainstream Muslim leaders in terms of condemning Bin Laden? Why don't I hear more mainstream Muslim leaders condemning terrorist actions? Why don't I hear more mainstream Muslim leaders saying that they don't want Israel wiped from the face of the Earth?

When extremism isn't countered by reason, those on the outside will naturally assume that the extremists are the mainstream, which hurts the perception of your faith.

I think it's high time that all of the real Muslims rise up and take their faith back from the extremists. Then maybe the perception of it won't be so skewed.
Reply:I never thought all Muslims are terrorists. There are a lot of nice good muslims that I am friends with so I know they all aren't.
Reply:hi.it wasnt a question anyway but i just wanted to tell you that i agree with you on it.if one of the apples tastes bad we shouldn't say they all do.
Reply:nice to see some of these wonderful answers

what they are showing us in the T.V is only the dark side people of Islam ... why they never show you the good ones for example? as the guy before me said 90% of bad ppl i see is muslims ... those 90% are very small numbers compared to the whole muslim community
Reply:Yeah, I know all Muslims aren't terrorists. And all Christians aren't members of the KKK. It's terrible that so many people are so blind to the idea that there are "extremists" in every faith and that they are called extremists because their ideas are "extreme". I'm sorry that you are facing this persecution right now. I pray for the enlightnment of those around you.
Reply:Yet these "peacefull muslims" do NOTHING to stop the large faction of muslims who do kill in the name of islam. Its interesting to see the large worldwide protests when the danish cartoons are published, but when beslan or 9/11 or attcks by muslims in israel or india or thialand or else where are done... no muslims speak up.. no large scale protest by muslims. What you say islam is, and what the ACTIONS done in the name by muslims (and yes, they are muslims doing things in the name of islam) are two very different things. There are fatwas againsts authors and filmmakers, but not a single fatwa against bin-ladin or al-zarqui ... So untill then, in my opinion, until islam changes its ways to me islam will equal terrorism. Perhaps you can change the behavior of the "radicals"???
Reply:It is the minority of Muslims that do that and most of us know it. Or should know it anyway.
Reply:A very very very small percent of Muslims are terrorists. Everytime Bush, Cheney or Rumsfield open their mouths there are more.
Reply:BUsh is the biggest terrorist



Reply:Yeah i agree with u. But the idea of most of the ppl cannot be changed in one single day. most of the terrorists r muslims. They need to return back to the usual fold. General muslims also need to change their views. A strong reform process is the need of the day for muslims. All the religions had their phase of prosperity and fall and then reforms. Islam also needs that. Ppl need to know the true meaning of koran rather than rely on an orthodox old ulema who calls himself a scholar. I fear the trouble more lies with impoverished and poor nations. teenagers (who r incidently most of the terrorists) actually get the money to do these acts. not only these, they r told that they r going to do wht allah told them to do. This is seriously anti-god. I think blowing up ppl of another religion is not at all wht the god commands. There is no ur god/my god there is only one god, and we call it by different names.. thats all.
Reply:All religion followers have terrorists, rapists, extremists,

criminals %26amp; all other sort of abominable people. It has nothing to do with a specific group of people nor a religion. All you just said here is alright.
Reply:I knew that! Saying that all Muslims are terrorists is like saying that the Christians who went on murder sprees in Salem and Europe during the burning eras are representative off ALL Christains. Its funny that its mostly Christians you hear saying that Muslims are "evil" and "of the devil" and "they are terrorists" "blah blah blah" right here on yahoo answers every day. But the fact is that Christianity has a FAR bloodier history than any other religion in the history of our planet.
Reply:Muslims have not allowed the extremists to take over the religon.

Its just that, these terrorists are under hiding and the rest of the muslim ummah cannot do anything. They are trying, but its going to take alot of help from other people.

Just as much as the other countries are trying to fight the terrorists, the muslims are trying to do the same.
Reply:I just wanted to correct you on one point. It's not only Americans that think that, a lot of people here in Europe think the same way. The truth is, if I look on EuroNews, for example, 90% of the violence is caused by Muslims, so it's hard not to judge them.

So while not al Muslims are terrorists, I believe all terrorists are Muslim.
Reply:Teerorists who blame Islam are no more Muslims than the crusaders who blamed Christianity were Christians.
Reply:not all terrorists are Muslim, but most of them are. After the two hits on the twin towers, the pentagon, the USS Cole, and ever other terrorist action against America most people in the US want to see Muslims only one way. In the sights of a sniper rifle.
Reply:A true moslem, makes everything in peace, as Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), said, "The moslem, is the man, whom people, are peacfuly, with his tongue and hand"

Yes, seems like most of the terrorists are moslems, but it's coz, terrorist actions made by "Apparantly, or decieved" moslems, are so focused on, compared to else!

Beside, Moslems, must help to get rid of such an image, through Anti-terroristic image media, and through spreading the reality of Islam, by being them selves the good example at first.
Reply:Of course not all are. Only those that go boom!
Reply:I know of Muslim friends. All of them are peace loving people. I have heard some of their Christian bosses mocked them by ridiculing "Allah" for not saving Muslim pilgrms, or not giving them peace.

So, I think, the wrath of muslims are instigated rather than being their nature. This is just like if I hit you at your face, the least you will do is to dodge my fist.
Reply:Its not just Muslims that I know as terrorists. I know almost all religions having a terrorist community in them. Its wrong to say that only Muslims are terrorits. Terrorism is a violent way to fight back or prove a point and it exists in every human being depending upon the acceptance and the endurance of that person.
Reply:All Mulims are not terrists most of them are not.But The Mulims do not follow thier religion completely They Have forgotten their the true teachings of ISLAM.Waht I mean to say that Muslims have grown weak and they should condemn Terrorist very strongly but they do not because they forgoten True ISLAM.and also of that if you look at Muslims They Cant even stop people from killng them how are they going to stop people from killing others.

And also in an answer here by "MRCool" he has used very bad words about Allah and the PROPHET of Muslims but none of you guys have Condemned that.

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