Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do people train dogs for dog fights?

I have been reading about people that are owners of dogs are using the dogs and trainng them for dog fights. I see this type of story on the news and read about them in the newspapers. When ever I hear about people abusing their pets,I start to cry because of how people abuse their pets. I just heard about that baskeball player training the pitbulls for dogfights. What is wrong with people that abuse animals? Do they not have love for other people or pets they own? I just can't believe that people will abuse pets for money or the fun of it. Don't people that abuse pets have any sympathy or empathy for the pets they are abusing? When ever I hear a story about a person abusing their dog or cat and etc, it stuns me that people like that enjoy seeing these animals abused. I start feeling sorry for all these animals that are bein abused by their owner or owners.

Why do people train dogs for dog fights?
Some of them do it as an ego boost. For some stupid reason, it actually makes them feel BETTER about themselves when they see their dogs ripping each other up. In their own weird circles, it can increase their status somehow, and make them feel more "macho." It's very obvious that these people are cruel and should never be allowed around animals.

What's more, things like this are helping to destroy some of the best dog breeds ever. Pitbulls and other so called "bully breeds" used to be respected, not feared, back in the past. But cruel people with cruel intentions have bred them with no knowledge of how to breed for good traits, and then they abuse the dogs until they become vicious. The results are lines of dogs that exhibit poor character traits, and even genetic flaws. Then people think that all of those breeds are naturally dangerous! Animal fighters cause so many problems, and it's heartbreaking to me too.
Reply:to win money. some dog fights have a purse of more than $40,000. not that i have been to one!
Reply:They are sick in the head
Reply:These are people who don't care about anyone but themselves. They lack all compassion, and have no empathy for anything.

They do it for the money, to look cool, or to be a gansta. What ever the reason - they're *ssholes.
Reply:Because people are bored and find nothing in this but for their amusement. I think the people who train dogs only for fighting and hurting is absolutely stupid and pointless. Nobody should ever use dogs, or even puppies, for fights. It doesn't matter if it's for the fun of it or because if these pathetic people are bored to death. Dog fighting doesn't only hurt the dogs, but the owners, as well. It hurts the dog and it causes health problems, PERIOD. For the fact that people find this hobby exciting and amusing are people who are absolutely brainless and pathetic. I just feel so sorry for the poor little dogs who are forced into this terrible conflict and I just hope that the people who think it's funny rot in jail for the rest of their lives. No, they just don't have any sympathy because obviousely, they find the fact that dogs hurting each other is a fun and hilarious way to torture animals...
Reply:I belive people that abuse there animals have no lifes and shoulp be put in jail like the quaterback Michel Vick, they found 8 died dog bodys in his back yard he should be put in jail for life they just dont understand that dogs are living to and have feeling like every other living thing.
Reply:they do this cuz there are heartless people, who don't know a great thing when they see one. the only thing my dog "fights" with is her doggy buddies.
Reply:they are just stupid idiots, who are too arrogent to understand that animals need love care and attention, and they are not there for your amusement.
Reply:They just don't view animals as living beings with real feelings. They probably have very low self-esteem and aggression issues and no constructive way to work them out, so they take them out on "lesser" creatures. They don't see or treat the dogs as pets, only as fighters...abusing them makes them more aggressive.

It probably has a lot to do with money also. Dog fights are for gambling purposes and people who are THAT addicted to gambling will do crazy stuff to feed their need.

It is really sad. My pets have always been like little people to me. I can't imagine being that emotionally detached from an animal.
Reply:I agree with mebear. They do it because probably at home their pussy whipped! They have to show there mocho side somewhere else! I wonder if the owners of fighting pit bulls where thrown in a ring with another guy that wanted to kill them, if they would do it! Probably not.........
Reply:They are ignorant and have no compassion for another living thing. After working at a humane society I have seen things that I just can not believe a person could intentionally do to a living thing. It disgusts me.
Reply:These people have SICK minds!!! Sometimes, I wish those jerks could see how it feels to be abused!!!!!!
Reply:They do it for amusement. Some even do it as a hobby or even for money! (Like training a horse to compete in a race but that's different) I believe its wrong. Its a living thing, its as cruel as chicken fighting %26gt;_%26lt;
Reply:there mean .

%26amp; ignorant .

they do it for tha money they dont care bout tha petss .
Reply:They have no sympathy or compassion for the dog. They are just so into the money that they will be winnning, they don;t care about the health they are ruining or the abuse crime they are doing. I feel the same way.



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