Hmm. Bible says the Jewish people will stricly be through the seed of Abraham meaning the only way you can be Jewish is through birth. Now I know people have converted but converting is a fairly new thing and it's still very difficult to become jewish. So here's my point. Jewish people have been part of this holy blood line starting with Abraham then Issac and so on, which should also mean that every prophet in history, since all were jewish, all were related. Now, i've seen evidence on this, research was done with the cohen's and they trace the blood lines very very far back. Since there never was a time where Judaism was really lost, doesn't that mean that the Jewish people of today are the only living people with actually holy and maybe divine decent? The people that seemingly the world hates are actually the relatives of those who spoke to God, the prophets including Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Issac, King David, Isaiah and even Jesus?
Jewish people... People holy decent and part of a holy blood line?
The Halacha (Jewish Law) decrees that someone is Jewish if their mother is Jewish or if they convert. People who convert to Judaism gain the title 'ger tzedek' (righteous stranger). Here are some of the most famous converts:
1. Jethro: Midianite priest, consul to Pharaoh and father-in-law to Moses via his daughter Tzipporah. He is credited with founding the Jewish judicial system.
2. Ruth: Moabite princess who married a Jew. After he died, Ruth told his mother Naomi, “Your people are my people”. She later married Boaz and became the great-grandmother of King David. Her story is told in the biblical Book of Ruth.
3. Rabbi Meir, 'the miracle worker': reputedly a descendant of the Roman Emperor Nero, he lived in Asia Minor in the 2nd century, converted to Judaism and helped compile the Mishnah (Oral Law). Meir is credited with rebuilding Jewish life after the abortive Bar Kochba Rebellion. His wife, Beruriah, was a great sage in her own right.
4. Onkelos: another Roman aristocrat, he became a Jew and was said to have written the famous Babylonian Targum (translation of the Tanach into Aramaic) with glosses and commentaries.
Reply:No, the Bible does not say Judaism is strictly through the seed of Abraham, and we are not a race. Conversion is not a new thing, it started thousands of years ago, with Ruth being the first convert. It is said in Torah also that when one converts, they are just as Jewish as any other born Jew, and to treat them differently is a sin. It's difficult to become Jewish, yes, but not for the reasons you listed. They were able to do research on the Kohanes (not the Cohens. Cohen is a name usually held by a Kohane, also Kohen, Kohn, and others.) the Jewish priests. And no, there is no such thing as human divine descent. That is a wacky Xian idea that is heresy in Judaism. People are not gods, people are not divine.
Reply:Rather amusing that 'Jesus Christ' is the one making racist remarks when of course we all know Jesus was Jewish. Alas, there are still anti semites in this world.
To the asker: Converting is not a new thing at all; in the bible Ruth was a convert to Judaism. Anyone can convert to our faith; we are not a race, we are a people and a religion. It is, however, true that we are not allowed to try and persuade people to convert; we are very different to Christianity in this respect!
But yes, you are totally right; Judaism was the first organised religion to recognise one G-d and only one G-d.
And of course the Jews knew Jesus, which is how they knew he wasn't the messiah, whereas Paul etc never met Jesus!
Reply:Actually conversion has always been happening. Thousands of Egyptians converted to Judaism along with the Israelites at mount Sinai with Moses. Thousands of Greeks converted during the occupation of Israel, Hittites and other neighboring people converted. King David is related to Ruth a convert.
Abraham, Jacob, Issac and David are not considered prophets in Judaism. Jesus has nothing to do with Judaism.
Also Abraham Jacob and Issac were not Jews but instead followed the Noahide Laws, that is the laws G-d gave to Noah. Job for instance was also not a Jew. Moses was the one who introduced Judaism.
Reply:I expect that you may have read the book (Bible)? In it you will no doubt have noticed that Abraham was NOT Jewish!!! He was from Ur of Chaldea, %26amp; so was more likely to have been Zoroastrian!!! Jesus was never a "Christian" he was always a Jew, so, to truly follow Jesus, one should become Jewish!!!
God (When speaking about "God) never refers to "Itself as being male, "It" always refers to "Itself as being of both sexes. Jesus cannot have been the Messiah, because he was never of the line of David, (A necessary requirement according to the prophets) he was of the line of Aaron.
There has never been a "God" name (Given by "God") called Jehovah! Thi is a man made corruption from around the 6th century, A Catholic monk took the 4 Hebrew letters YHVH (in transliteration) %26amp; conjoined them with the vowel points of "Adonih (The adored one), to form the man-made corruption which we now call Jehovah. When "God" created, it did so in "Its" own image. so, why then is everyone ever created, created female? mmm,Time to wake up folks, you have been lied to, for far too long!!!
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