Tuesday, July 20, 2010

People kill in the name of God/Allah...etc?

Here is what I don't understand. How is it that people can use religion to KILL other people. This has happened throughout history, like the Crusades, modern Ireland, and the present Middle East.

It is hard for me to believe that ANY higher power (whatever name one would like to put upon that power) would be okay with people being killed in their name. How do one justify that in their head?

How is it that people say they believe in free will, but then look down upon people who believe differently than them...to the point of murdering them in the process? How do people kill in the name of God or Allah and think that would be condoned by the higher power?

People kill in the name of God/Allah...etc?
doesn't make any sense does it?

harm none.


i knew that you weren't just talking about islam. how could you be when so many have died for the sake of spreading christianity?
Reply:Don't confuse what some people do, using the name of God, with what God would actually has us do.
Reply:Yeah thats the problem with religion.
Reply:Because human beings are selfish idiots. The kill in the name of God, but in reality they are killing for more power and control of the world.
Reply:They believe they are Allah's hit man, or mercenaries hence they are following Allah's command. And its there all in the book that they follow. So you cannot help it. It will continue. Belief molds behavior!
Reply:Hey, if you want to justify murder to yourself and your followers, wouldn't it be better to do it in the name of God than in the name of Juan Turnipseed? People will flock to God, but poor Juan is just juan in a million.
Reply:You get a star for this one.

The answer is complicated, and would require a book...

But, for the most part, you hit it pretty close...

They justify it "in their head"...
Reply:theyre using their own hatred these days
Reply:They become misguided and think they must kill people who are of different religions. They use God to justify their evil actions. If they think that God will be pleased with their actions then they are incredibly wrong coz killing and suicide are both MAJOR sins in Islam.
Reply:It is simple. They are brainwashed into believing they are serving God's purpose by destroying evil. Never mind the fact that the "evil" they are destroying is usually completely innocent people! To these kinds of people, the end justifies the means and they see their end as a good one, so therefore they can justify absolutely anything.
Reply:this is why religion is man made, God would never tell any human to kill anything, God is pure love and giving God is not destructive
Reply:People will find an excuse to kill each other no matter what it is. Making up stories of everlasting life for a warrior goes back through countless religions and thousands of years. How else will you get a man or woman to die for you?
Reply:they use religion as excuse
Reply:yeah muslims...i dont understand it either

climbing shoes

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