Without the reward of Heaven no one would care if God was real or not. Say for a minute, that God exists, but Heaven and Hell do not. So when you die, you just die, nothing more. No one would follow Gods teachings, because they are not rewarded with anything. People follow God's teachings for Heaven. But why do people expect it, is life not a good enouph gift, must you be given more. People will argue that they expect it because it is written in the Bible, very true.But ask yourself this, if what I have said is true, if Heaven nor Hell existed,God's teachings are meaningless.So the only teaching that is important is Heaven, making the only reason people believe in God is greed. Many people will disagree with me, saying that they believe in his teachings for thier faith or for the logic in his teachings,though he does not fit logically himself.I cannot make you see it as I do and I don't want you to. Look at people and God's system. Make your choice,look at both sides before you decide!
People Expect Heaven if they follow God's teachings?
That's like saying the only reason people work is greed. There is an element of necessity, but people work for rewards other than money. People volunteer. People like to feel useful and productive and part of something larger than themselves.
I don't believe greed for heaven or fear from hell in and of themselves will get anyone to heaven. I don't discount them as motivating factors, but they are not the most important motivating factors.
Love casts out fear. Love is motivating. Real love has nothing to do with greed.
Reply:This is not a question, this is a religious statement.
Moderators please delete this user. Thank you.
Reply:well its hard to think of it that way because i believe their is a god and the bible is here for us to learn about all the things that had occurred and that are going to happen if people want to believe let them and if they don't they don't they have a chance to make up their minds,like 'Jesus said' in John 8:14 read it and also John 8:32 'and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free'.
Reply:I do not expect heaven. It is an interesting idea.
Reply:I have to disagree with you that the reson people believe in God is because of Greed. This is probably true for some people, but the majority of people due it out of fear of being wrong and getting panish for that and not because they are going to be granted passage in to Heaven as you put it. If we were absolute sure that in fact Heaven or Heil do not exist, then probably most people would not care, but then, if everyone were not afraid of being punished later by God this world would be worst then the way already is.
Reply:The Answer has to come from what you chose to believe.
Heaven was in the beginning man chose to rebel.
God created us in His image.He breathed the breath of life in us.
Gen 2:7.
We area a part of the God and there is in all of us a longing to be with God. There is a place he has prepared for us that chose to except Christ as are Savior.
John:14 chapter
It not greed if the spirit live for ever and it can't live here once we die then why not heaven?
My home is not here my spirit will live on. Christian reach for that eternal hope.
Most of all i want to see the one that gave His life for me.
Heaven is real so is hell miss one you will be sure to fine the other.
Here is praying you fine Christ to be all that i have found Him to be.
roller shoes
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