Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why do people use slavery as excuse or try to blind themselves from little differences?

these questions I see on yahoo answers

1. Are black people strongest.

2. Black people so fast

3. who is stronger white or blacks.

I always see answers such as during slavery, or it has nothing to do with color. why can't some people realise that people from different backgrounds have different adaptions and maybe will have some difference in some type of event. Why do people keep using slavery to say this is what the black man is. I am african, (born in american) and I don't have slave ancestors, yet people see me *** slave descendant. yah there is not much difference in people, and skin colour doesn't matter, but background does. If a blacks dominate running sports, maybe they have something that others don't have, if whites dominate strength and swimming maybe they have something others don't have. but why do people use slavery to as excuse that that black man is strong or that man is fast or that black man is tall.

Why do people use slavery as excuse or try to blind themselves from little differences?
Whites swim better than blacks because blacks have a denser bone structure and more muscle mass on the glutes.

Having more muscle mass on the glutes makes blacks excellent runners.

These differences should be celebrated, not denied in an attempt to paint everyone the same.

The slavery thing though - I don't think anyone is using that as an excuse for anything except blagging a payday out of the government.

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