Wednesday, July 14, 2010

People and There wieght?

I've seen alot of questions that ask if there skinny... Like Anna p , just to let you know poeple that she is not really skinny. Thats normal People just seem heavier now because there is more fat in foods, so people now weighed more than people did like 20 years ago. My mom weighed like 108 when she was 30. I thought that was bad , Its just the way people were they have more fat foods and people get less excersie. I am 14 and i weigh 94 pounds, I'm healthy and i have tons on energy. Its not the weight of people who are under 100 pounds that are skinny its the nation thats getting fatter. The average wieght for a child ( teen) in the 80's/70's was like below 100. And now its like.. below 130.. So if you have anything to say about this please feel free to say it.

People and There wieght?
Yeah I agree with Jody, Its really the portions of food people are eating. Also 108 isn't any where close to fat. Unless your mom is 2 feet tall and weights that much.
Reply:i think that JWesXI is not the best answer, he had a really nice answer Jwes didnt read the rest.i did NOT SAY MY MOM WAS FAT! i thought that was bad to be 108 at 30 skinny wise!. Report It

Reply:You guys seem to forget a few other things...everyone focuses on food and portion size, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Weight is also impacted by our technology...automobiles being the primary thing to damage us. No one walks anymore. Even to go six blocks to the store, people drive. We spend hours in front of the computer which we never did before. Not to mention the impact of TV. Before people watched just a few hours of TV a people watch several hours of TV every day!

Then you have basic genetic decline. With our lethargic lifestyles we develop slower metabolisms and other issues. We breed with others like ourselves passing on this genetic disadvantage. This should not be taken lightly. My mother is very overweight. As is everyone else in my family. I eat healthy and exercise often, but yet weight is a constant battle and if I stop eating healthy or maintain a regular exercise regime I gain weight in a matter of days. This is not normal and can only be linked to genetics (no medical problems have been identified)

So...don't just point the finger at large portions, fat foods, and lazy/undisciplined goes far beyong that.
Reply:Actually the guidelines for healthy weight hasn't changed since 1976. Yes people are getting fatter because of convenience foods and going out to eat. Portion size is what's out of control. I also can't believe you thought your mother was fat at 108. That is just ridiculous!!!
Reply:that is ridiculous that you thought your mom was fat

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