I was diagnosed with Organic mood disoder bipolar type(Basically i was told im bipolar) and I was diagnosed with seizure disorder at 16 now 28.I also have Major depressive disorder mild recurrence,and dystymethia.I have had people call me crazy and make fun of me for having these disorders,because sometimes i admit my behavior isnt normal.But why put down a person for something they cant control or change?Im not looking for sympathy here,i dont want or need it.I would just like for people to consider the fact that people have things in their lives that they cant control or change,and it doesnt help with people making fun of the way they might act or do things.SO why is there inconsiderate people who make fun of people who have disorders like mine or worse?Are we not people too?
Why do people treat people who have mental disorders like they're just trying to get attention and make fun of
Hi :)
Unfortunately, people will laugh at what they don't know. For example my parents made gay jokes all their lives until I brought a gay friend home. -Im not gay btw. The jokes stopped. I know people who have depression. Their friends and family don't make jokes, because they understand it. No matter what you do there will always be people who are naive. Don't hold it against them, in a way, you are also appointed the educator of this illness. I too, had to defend mental illness. What you are posting here is great. It gives a voice. Oh and youre soooo not crazy! Are people with cancer and diabetes crazy? It's just as a physical disease as they are.
Take care of yourself :)
Another thing I just read the post above mine that said not to tell people... well, obviously you don't go around admitting to everyone you have depression or diabetes etc. Tell those you can support you. Those who don't understand... You can tell them the same thing I told you ;) I know someone who has....... and this is the reality.... and no... they're NOT crazy...
Reply:There are some people that don't believe in mental disorders. the people that say that you should be able to have control over what you do and what your body does. It's hard for people to grasp the idea when they've never experienced anything like it. I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (about ten years ago) and recently panic disorder, and its very frustrating when i tell someone about it, or about situations i've been through, and they just dont understand, and they make fun of it, and it pisses me off, but there's nothing you can do about it. You can't change everyone else's perception. You cant educate everyone.
Reply:Most people are small and petty. Those are the ones that will make fun of you. Ignore them and pity them for their pathetic lives.
What you suffer from is a medical condition, just like Cancer is. If you had cancer, you would take chemo or radiation right? Why would it be any different for a chemical imbalance?
As far as the meds, have you discussed inpatient therapy to try to get your medications straight? It might be worth looking into.
Reply:Do you take your meds the way you should be? If you are, your behavior should be somewhat normalized - especially if you are in therapy to control it as well.
I personally know a few people who are bipolar. They are great to be around when they are taking their meds. The frustrating part is that all of the bipolars I know go off their meds and act out. I've never made fun of them, but I have expressed my frustration with their behavior which is so controlled under the meds and therapy. It is as if they like to go off the meds every once in a while so they can act out.
I'm not saying you are doing this at all. But - my question still stands...are you taking your meds and not going on and off them? Bipolor is very controllable if you take care of yourself.
Reply:Im 35 and schizophrenic on meds and this is what I do.Hide it.Its nobodys business ! They are never going to accept mental illness because it scares them.So do yourself a favor.Dont talk about it.If they mention your behavior just say your eccentric or say well isnt everyone a little crazy? Understand this society will never accept it because it makes them afraid it could happen to them or some bipolar or schizo person might shot up Mcdonalds.The other thing is that people have a dark side.They like to look down their nose at those who are diffrent.I understand it.You can IM me if you like but really just act as if your as normal whatever that is as possible and keep taking your meds.Also start painting or playing an instrument that exscuses all crazy behavior.Im an artist.People just think Im creative.They dont know without meds Im a real picnic.
Reply:1] Most people are not able to say 'there but for the grace of god go I"; it is easier to make fun of people.
2] Many people do not understand that mental illness is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Would they make fun of diabetics ?
3] There are racists who attack people because they are different, but being black is not exactly a choice; such people simply want to hate and hurt others.
4] Some people are simply ignorant of proper behavior.
5] I have concluded that %26gt;99% of assholery comes from insecurity. Such people are simply trying to dump on you because they are insecure.
6] Let's face it, there are a lot of swine out there, but living well is the best revenge.
7] So when someone dumps on you, consider the source, conclude they are a jerk, and ignore it. Easy to say, I know, but it is the only way to protect yourself.
8] You could look them in the eye and say "I was raised to never make fun of disease, injury, or disability; did nobody teach you that when you were young ?"
Reply:People have their own ideas of what "normal" is-and what doesn't fit into their range, they find funny. Also-things people do not understand, is usually dealt with in laughter. You cant let them bother you-and I know it is easier said then done, but do you know the anxiety you are giving yourself just by worrying and/or caring?? Stress and anxiety are so horrible to the body that they can kill a person. Just know in your own heart that you are a good person and peoples approval is not necessary. Keep your head up and feeling better wont happen over night-you will have to profusely tell yourself, dont worry its their ignorance not yours..believe me-but soon it will come naturally to you to just shrug off the ignorance. If you let it consume you-it will only make your problems worse, and you dont need or deserve that. Also, when you are stressing over their ignorance-they are going about their lives, forgetting anything ever happened, while you suffer wondering why-is that fair? No. You are letting yourself suffer-dont let them get to you hun. The world is full of great people, as well as the bad. Just know how great you are and keep that in mind, take care okay??
Reply:The main reason people are like this is because they dont understand.
To them, its not normal, and it may frighten them as theyve never experienced it them selves and its new.
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