Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why do people have such a hard time of ??????

standing up for the right?

Yesterday a man in Montreal went into a school and starting gunning down people.

There had been warnings on the website he was registered at (vampirefreaks.com) he had made several disturbing statements about killing people in his blog, and had posted quite a few pictures of himself in different poses with guns.

When the signs were so obvious that he was going to do something, why was people afraid to stand up for the right, and report him?

people on the site could have reported him, the moderators , the people who use that site , people saw his blogs and saw his pictures and did nothing.

People on that site are not right in their heads.

Why is nt that site shut down? why are we so afraid to say wrong is wrong , in the name of freedom of speech?

Have we as a nation as a culture become so afraid to stand up for the right thing, incase it infringes on someones freedom of choice?

Well now people have lost their freedom too by being killed.

Why do people have such a hard time of ??????
I have been to Canada the last 7 years, every winter. I go to the same place. Many many people tell me, the same thing. Passing Gun Control law in Canada was by far, the biggest mistake they ever did.

They will always regret it. These are very very respectable people that tell me this.

. something to Ponder*.

Reply:There are very few of us left in the world that do stand up for what is right and decent. Sure clue were nearing the end.
Reply:A lot of people these days don't have backbone. They don't care about others only there selves. What's in it for me. Me myself and I. They think evil is good and good is evil.
Reply:what nation? im in the usa..and the law here..doesnt do much till a crime is committed..cuz u have to have proof,,this boy could have just said im joking..thats just the way our law works here in usa
Reply:well you can report people 100 times a day and no one will do anything
Reply:people are weak minded they take things for granted...when in the end bad things come to all...you know how it is these days see no evil speak no evil..people take **** like that as a joke when indeed if it happened in their area it would be a different story...the society is all messed up these days...the things you should tell you dont the things you aint they always run to tell that...
Reply:Because people are cowards who don't want to get involved. Horrible people always get to do bad things when idiots do nothing because they are too afraid to say or do anything.

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