Tuesday, July 20, 2010

People are so dishonest here!?

Especially when people say that race and looks don't matter. I mean get real people! Are you seriously going to do what you say or claim to do? Everyone says that Race doesn't matter, looks doesn't matter, and it is the personality that matters the most! But wake up people, and look around you! How many interracial couples do you really see? How many pretty girls do you see with an average joe that's got a good personality? Face the reality! Race does matter! Good looking people do go for good looking people preferentially to average looking person with great personality!

If you say those people are shallow, then 99.9% of the human specie is shallow!

People are so dishonest here!?
Race doesnt matter looks do. But even if i start talking to an ugly guy depending on his personality things can change vice versa with a hot guy. I guess it depends on the people really. And usually you find one person hot and the other not so hot. We are speakin in the world baby not a select group of people but the world is very mixed i see it all day every day mixed couple from all walks of life, countries, cultures. Where do you live?
Reply:actually you need to look around... interracial couples are everywhere..and so are their beautiful children. i have also seen sooooooooo many so called good lookers..with a more average looking partner. i totally disagree. i think people may take the second look at someone attractive..but bottom line settling down... it is personality.. common interest etc.. that seals the deal.
Reply:I see heaps of them. Heaps of white-asian couples especially and I see lots of good looking guys or girls with plain partners. Maybe its the place you live
Reply:does this include you?
Reply:It is true what you said. Some cultures do not approve of inter-marriages. But racial tolerance is pretty common these days.

And of course it is everybody's dream to have a good looking partner for life....But I really hook up on charming guys (those with great personality but not necessarily have great looks).

So don't be so offended if it is true.... just learn to accept it...


i'm considered an above average girl..

and i like a guy thats shorter than me, that all my friends think is insanely ugly..


but once

i was at a theme park

sitting watching a show

and i looked behind me

and there was this tall (about 6 foot) blonde with a perfect tan, with her arm around a hispanic male.. that was.. a little person!

what a great example of real love, eh?
Reply:Yikes. What a rant...

I resent the implication that just because some people (heaven forbid) do not fall within your 99.9% shallow rating that they must be liars. Your opinions were not handed down from on high, and you do not know the contents of every living beings heart and mind. Get over yourself.

I cannot find someone physically attractive if I don't like who they are and find their personality attractive first. My girl friends are always going on about so and so being 'hot', and ask me what I think, and the first thing that comes to mind is what they are like: arrogant, rude, bad sense of humour. Not their nationality or their body on a 1-10 scale. Not everyone in the world is shallow or racist.

And being as cynical as you are, you are never going to learn that for yourself and you are going to miss out a so many beautiful things in life.

Try and look for the good in people, not just the bad. You may be suprised occasionally.

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