Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gay people and straight people??? WHy???

What i really don't understand is the majority of straight peoples reaction to gays. It makes me laugh how they think if someones gay they MUST fancy them. Ok some may fancy you but why do people just assume because some one is gay they will fancy them? I think it's really ignorant as they wouldnt act like this otherwise. People must stop acting like gay people have a disease. Who really cares what sex, race, or sexality people are?! They still have the same rights. What do people think about this?

Gay people and straight people??? WHy???
Finally a question worth answering. I am gay, and I agree with you 100%. Who the heck cares and why would they? Because people are so god dang IGNORANT. And they have no self confidence in themselves.
Reply:yeah right. there's nothing wrong of being gay, but when you make love with the same sex, then it will be wrong esp. in the eyes of God. men are for women and women is for men. not men for men as well as girl for girl........
Reply:The previous answerer, Shuthupf... said all I was going to say!
Reply:As a straight person, I kind of get the hint that all gay people are desperate and that all gay people are attracted to everyone. Yes, this is very ignorant, but I can't help my thinking of gay people in that way.
Reply:Could it be that those people you notice are people who just think everyone - gay or straight - wants them? There are some people who are so egocentric that they feel like everyone wants them. Then there are those people who are just insecure around people who are gay. I think those people have doubts about their own sexuality and being around gays just feeds their insecurity. To me, if a person is secure in their own sexuality then they will be comfortable around people whether they are gay or straight.
Reply:yes right
Reply:Some people are not happy unless they "trash" someone else for their religion, ethnicity, or sexuality. They have low or no self-esteem and need to feel better by picking on someone else. And who's an easier target than gays? My best friends in high school were gay men (in the late 70's) and boy, did the jocks make them miserable.
Reply:i am straight, and i am totally PRO gays. they have their own rights if they want to date or marry someone their own gender. anti gay people are screwed up, end ten to be racist people.
Reply:What I find is that straight people don't like it if you tell them that you don't fancy them; whereas some seem to quite like being fancied, even by a gay guy. Or it might just be that I'm attracted those type of people.
Reply:Hell yes. I agree 100%
Reply:Hey, that the life they CHOSE. no one told them to be gay and God definitely didn't make them that way. So if they don't like being picked on for something THEY CAN CHANGE, then they should change it. It's only wrong to discriminate against someone for the things they can not change, like race, religion, age, disability, etc.........
Reply:I agree with you and I've never personally been concerned about being the "target" of gay affection. I also don't have a problem with gay people, it's their life. It's a shame other people are.
Reply:I am ex-lesbian and I totally agree. Seriously, just because a person chooses to date people of a certain sex does NOT mean that he/she is attracted to every person of that sex.

I wish that we could accept one another for who they are instead of treating them like a freak show just because they are gay or lesbian or anything else.
Reply:because my friend arthur is straight up gay
Reply:i agree with you 100% babe" top Q GAYS RULE x x x

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