Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White people and black people ----- more to less??

Up here I usally see more white people then black people, but one time when I went down Pittsburg I saw more black people then white people, why is that??

Also, how's come there is more white people in commercials then black I know that there is more black people in them on BET because that's there channel, but why not others??

White people and black people ----- more to less??
Well I think there should be equal opportunities for all ethnic groups on Television, were you live or whatever you choose to do. Race should never play a part in how one is judge or determined worthy in society or the work place. We all know that the reality is that there are white people out there that think they are somehow superior based on the simple fact that they happen to have white skin. Well, you can’t do anything about somebody’s stupidity. Hopefully there are more people out there in this big old world that judge someone on what’s inside and not what pigment their skin happens to be. But then I’m a hopeless optimist.
Reply:what kind of answer do you really expect to get from this?
Reply:there are areas that are predominately white, predominately black, predominately asian, jewish etc etc ...

i won't acknowlege channels like BET because they're programming content (especially comedy) is nothing but racist remarks that could NEVER be reversed and said by a white person.
Reply:just pure numbers

whites are about 70% of the population (USA)

blacks are about 13%
Reply:Go to Atlanta
Reply:You must be going to areas that have more white people. Are you looking for an area that is primarily black? Everywhere you go there are places to find certain areas.
Reply:First question: The dense the population, the more black people there are. The less dense the population the less black people. There are some cases where this is not the norm, but overall it holds to be true.

second: 80% of the populace is white, it would only make sense to have more of the majority on TV than of the minority.
Reply:It's like that because alot of people like sticking to their races.

And with the black commercial thing. Advertisers sell a particular commercial to a station mainly for a culture. BET, is really for blacks so to get you to buy the product and make it seem like you can relate to the person with the product , the advertiser's make sure they use a black person.
Reply:ok i dont want to be rasist but here it goes blacks have there own day there r some parts of town that there is mor blacks than white and in other parts there is more white than black. i have seen many comercials with black people
Reply:America is predominatly white (for now) so of course you are going to see more whites included in things. Blacks make up13% of the U.S. population so go figure.
Reply:That's what i want to know I asked a similar question but people took it the wrong way. I guess we will never know.
Reply:Honey, OPEN YOUR EYES. This country is 75% WHITE. Didn't you know?
Reply:The answer is simple. We live in a white dominated racist society. Hopefully it will change, but the level of white racism in YahooAnswers tells me that it will not.

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