Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ugly people should not get married and have babies, correct?

We have enough of ugly people in this world we don't need anymore. 2 ugly people should not even be allowed to date or be within 10 feet next to each other. They should only be able to talk, date, have relationship with average looking to beautiful looking people.

Beauty products are for beautiful people, not for ugly people. ugly people don't need makeups or nice clothes because there is nothing they can do to change the way they look.

ugly people should only focus on their PhD so at least they have one thing the society will accept them for and make them useful, their intelligence.

Ugly people should not get married and have babies, correct?
I have seen some beautiful children come from not so pretty parents.

Reply:I'm with you totally, John (as a deformed man myself). I don't date, and shall never marry or have kids for the reasons you outlined. It wouldn't be correct or respectful to anyone (assuming it were possible, which I doubt). I agree with all you said, including the part about how else to contribute. Report It

Reply:No..absoltely no....

They may have a good heart....which many of the good looking ones dont have..and that makes them special...and precious.....

its not their fault...and they r looking so....

Reply:true if you do though, put a bag over their head, and when the ugly baby comes in this world put a bag on him as well.
Reply:And I guess the reason you don't have your picture up is because you are soooooooo attractive, right?
Reply:wrong- that is mean to say
Reply:another dumbass.... whoppy!!!!

then my friend you shouldn't have babies or get married.

i have seen some beautiful people come from not so beautiful parents okay
Reply:You must be ugly to know so much about them.
Reply:hmm, a little harsh dont you think

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