There seem to be a good number of people who only answer questions with insults or unuseful comments. In fact, if you pull up their profile and view their other answers, it is obvious that they are that way to alot of people. Are these people just trying to get a rise out of others, or are they just naturaly mean nasty people? I would be embarrassed and ashamed to be catigorized that way, but some people dont seem to care. Why are people on here being so nasty? Seems like it is usually the people in the parenting and pets catagories. If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. Why cant you answer the question and be done with it, instead of putting people down? I mean, fine give your opinion but if you have to do it in a hateful nasty way, why bother? No one likes to be cused at or insulted. I would really like to know why this is.
Why are people so nasty when answering questions?
Because those type of people are miserable with themselves... So they try tomake other people feel like they do...
Reply:because if they were that way with the people in their
lives they would get a pop in the mouth. here they
feel they can be as mean and nasty as they want and
no one can bring them to task for it because they are
Reply:Well, I agree with you and have wondered the same thing. This site is pretty much a parallel to life and there are a lot of mean and nasty people out there. I find it frustrating to say the least, but I try and ignore them so that they don't get any satisfaction from having riled me because that is what they thrive on. The folks that answer questions in that rude manner are why I don''t like people as a whole. They make it a real challenge for me to be nice.
Reply:Ignorance is a rapidly growing problem here in America. As is a serious lack of respect for our fellow human beings. I totally agree with you. As a vet tech of half my life I tend to hang out in the pets questions. I answer them as truthfully as I can while showing respect to the person who asked the question. It astounds me some of the things people say. Yes I'll joke around with people who ask silly things just to be funny but the ones that are rude do not deserve even a second glance. Great question!!!!!
Reply:IMHO I think it is because people hide behind the anonymity of the web which lets them bring out their darkside. Are they naturally mean and nasty? I would guess that the majority aren't, but in an anonymous situation where there is no repercussion, I imagine it is either fun or sort of cathartic to them to show a nasty side and play that character. If you had to register your real name, etc., I bet it would almost never happen.
Reply:Obviously, people use the inherent anonymity of Yahoo! Answers to vent their frustrations and cannot do so in a dignified manner because the lack either the intelligence or the tact necessary to do so in a dignified manner.
Also, other use the same anonymity to be vulgar simply because they are unable to be funny or even slightly suggestive without resorting to disgusting language, for the same lack of intelligence and tact noted above.
Still others may just be evil people, seeking to disrupt the daily lives of the good-hearted in whatever way the can.
Reply:maybe u take responses the wrong way but yes some people does give mean answers sometimes thats the way they feel but if it doesn't have to do with the question at hand they shouldn't even answer
Reply:Because they are weak people who uses yahoo answers as a way to make themselves feel bigger and better. They're losers!!!!
Reply:They're just more interested in gaining points than giving useful advice or information.
Reply:I know exactly what you mean and I just ignore them and now give them a thumbs down on their answer! I check the profiles too and they are usually insulting to everyone so I just consider the source. They are usually young, dumb kids just trying to make fun of someone and laugh at your expense. I try my best to ignore them and those stupid questions. I think if more people would ignore them maybe they would stop, but, then again, maybe not. I wish more people had manners and etiquette or, at least, some people skills. Another thing, if you don't know the answer then don't bother with answers like "I don't know" or "maybe" or answers that are completely wrong. Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with people nowdays!
Reply:huskymom, you have to realize the level of the question being asked is usually reflected in the answer. If a question is considered stupid, demeaning, abnormal then the answer will reflect the viewers viewpoint. For instance, I will be very sarcastic when answering questions regarding the following:
Paris Hilton's popularity
Brittany Spears
Penis size
Teenagers lovestruck by celebrity
The use of four letter words in questions and things demeaning of women or men for that regard.
People who believe cartoon characters are real.
As you can see some of the questions just invite sarcasm, not rudeness but humor and chiding, people should understand that there are more important things in life to discuss other than "is Paris your fave girl"?
Have a nice day
Reply:I think people get angry when you talk about spanking, beating like it is a good thing in your last question. You are being subjective, which annoys people. Your beliefs are different than others. When you ask a question about spanking, you will get people who are for it and people who aren't. It is a touchy topic. Usually, I think it is those people who think spanking is okay are the ones that are uneducated, not up to date on things today and think that everything that was done in the past is the right way.
Reply:well, in your past few posts you've insulted people giving dental advice, insulted parenting skills and compared interracial dating to dog breeding. Are you really surprised that you get negative comments? Also, automatically giving a thumbs down rating to everyone who disagrees with you shows that you can't be objective, an attractive trait in an adult.
Reply:A lot of people invite nasty answers by asking stupid questions. Beside this, the one with the nasty answer may be a very nice guy/girl if you talk to them face to face. You can be mean and nasty, and nobody can point a finger at you, because nobody knows who you are. Yahoo should give them their own category, that may help the rest of us.
Reply:There are a number of immature persons who don't know what the questions are, but just want to put their oars in.
Reply:They just want free points. They cannot figure out a good answer so they think of something stupid to say.
Reply:I will answer serious to serious questions and stupid or mean to the stupid variety, most of the questions on here are of the stupid variety
Reply:A lot of it has to do with age. Some of it due to the content of the question. And some people just plain ask for it.
Reply:Since there is a layer of deniable and anonymity here, many feel they can say the most vile, pernicious crap, think that it is "witty" and not suffer the consequences for their actions.
Reply:The mean and nasty people have nothing better to do with their lives than to try to make others miserable.
Reply:it's b/c answering on yahoo answers is like answering from behind a concrete wall. they probly wouldn't say this stuff to you in person.
Reply:"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"
If you have to judge, then don't say anything at all.
Reply:because they have nothing better to do then insult other people.
Reply:Unfortunately, most people don't think like you do sweetie! And you also have to take into account that their are just a lot of ignorant people in the word-ignorant is the only way to describe them. You just need to do your best to ignore them. But I do agree with you-why bother to even come to this site if you are only going to give hateful and mean answers? It just doesn't make sense.
Reply:hurting people hurt others
Reply:Your question is so long I tired of reading it, ovious answer.
Reply:Look on the second one now taht is nasty. Bc pelpe are older then you. And somtims mean
Reply:because they have no life. insulting people over the internet. smart. *rolls eyes*
Reply:Because you're posting a question here at this site that is open to the whole web, the whole world not just a small group of people in your area.
You're going to run into all kinds of people, not just the nice ones.
Reply:They think that they can be all hard behind their computer screen, but what they forget is that some people have feelings and think they are being funny when they are not. Just ignore them and what they say to you. All typing and no words really.
Reply:This is America. Love it or leave it!
roller skates
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