Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do many black people bring racism to them selves?

when i looked through different peoples accounts to see what kind of questions they answered most of the black people search for the questions that have to do with racism or black people.Its like they want to find stuff talking bad about them so they can talk back. and then i decided to check if there is more racist talk against black people than others and i realized there is not. there are plenty of racist questions talking against all the other races too like i find many people calling white people fat pigs or calling Mexicans greasy trash or Chinese people short slanted eyes but the ones that talk bad against black people have a storm of black people answering back to defense. in other words why do black people care so much about their race ? are they insecure about themselves becuase they used to be slaves?do they really think that everyone is out to get them just becuase they only bother to look for racist stuff against themselves? why can't they realize that there is equal rasi

Why do many black people bring racism to them selves?
The question is pretty ironic because I have a feeling black people who read it will call you racist for asking it. I do not understand why they always bring up the race card. The way I look at they have a ton of benefits! I can't get a scholarship for college because I am white, but if I was black I could. If we had the United Caucasion College fund it would be racist, but the United ***** College fund is okay. I don't know why they would still hold a grudge about being slaves or segregation. We didn't enslave them, and pretty soon here the people who around during segregation will not be alive. I think they play the race card because they can. It has gotten them pretty far
Reply:That's like asking why a woman invites being raped. It doesn't happen, it simply doesn't happen.

How is it that you can tell a person's race from an avatar? How is it, in fact, that you consider someone with a colour of skin that's different from your's to be of a different race. This is the human race, and each of us is a part of it.
Reply:I am black some black people are gettto crazt and stupid some are nice and kind. Some people think just because some people of our race kill, rape, and do bad things dose not mean that were all like that.I think thats why people are racist.
Reply:I think they bring such bad things to themselves becuase they maybe feel like they dont' stand out. Or there different from white people. Also maybe because there are some people who dont' like black people and the black personis just sad. Also maybe becuase there were having a bad day. I'm sorry this might not help you. But I"ll tell you this..i have a crush on a black person.
Reply:how are you for sure that they are "all" blacks answering them! Sounds to me like your having problems, its on both side slick so chill.
Reply:Firstly, hon, we don't bring racism to ourselves. America is an innately racist country.

Equal racism is impossible. Black people do not have enough power in this country. It is BLACK PEOPLE who deal with the results of real estate redlining, go to subpar schools, are sent to jail at a much quicker rate than white males on trumped up charges, and generally endure worse treatment.

We have to care about our race because who else is? It won't be you.
Reply:they know the whiteman thoughts in general
Reply:The race card is just too easy to play.
Reply:because they've been through a lot with their pasts. they don't appreciate disrespect towards them, so they defend themselves. makes sense to me.
Reply:Total agreeance..

you said it...

ought oh.....



Just remember, we all need to find a reason to not breed hate, life is too short.
Reply:I think it has to deal with the mentality of the person and their environment. It also may be because they were slaves and think that they still need to be repaid for it. Also some may just want to start fights because that is their nature or that they need to prove themselves in a society, they think, hates all black ppl, which it doesnt. The reason they get that perception is because of the stereo types that are out there of Black ppl, rappers, pimps, etc. They just bring trouble on themselves when they think they are being picked on but they r the actual ones that cause the trouble. The reason behind not seeing everyone is equal comes down to evil and all that stuff. Ppl are evil by nature and it is quelled by doing good things. but if you keep doing bad things you become evil yourself. It all comes down to the thinking that every1 is out to get them, it's b/c they are black, or they just have a really big ego. thats just my opinion tho.
Reply:Ask Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton or the liberal bunch that play the blacks against the conservatives to get their vote and then do NOTHING for themn.....Nuf Said
Reply:well i guess we all try to answer questions that we are well informed on. it only makes sense. i teach computers, and frequently i will go into the computer section to answer questions. I'm white and it's like I'm nothing. that's why i like being white. we don't associate, we are who we are. We don't have to keep stereotypes because we don't buy into that ****. Many non-whites feel the need to associate with other similar humans to have someone to learn from. i really like being white because i think that "acting" like someone or some group of people is an ingenuine way to live your life. call me progressive, but traditions have their limits too.
Reply:How do you know who is black and who is not on this site? You can have any avatar you want and any name you can't tell who is behind each question.

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