Why is it that pro-illegal people claim that "white people" are racist or racially profiling and yet seem to be the one's that are racist or racially profiling. I saw an answer someone gave and just had to shake my head.
“If you are hispanic you are illegal. That is how they base it. The other night I went to walmart with some kids from my apts. I took them to get ice cream at the mcdonalds. It was about 10 kids and we walked into the mcdonalds in my head i was thinking these people are staring. the kids werent loud or crazy just waiting in the line to tell the cashier what kind of ice cream they wanted and I kept getting looks. I knew right then and there that they were assuming the worst seeing me with all those kids. Made me laugh but I bet those same people were out saying oohh i saw this illegal at walmart with her 10 children. Now everytime I go everywhere and I see a white person who might be staring I say to myself they probably think I am illegal. I do want to know how people assume someone is illegal. I speak english but some of my family members dont and they are US citizens. I wonder how you decide who is illegal and who isnt.”
I like how she ASSUMES people are looking at her because they think she is illegal, it couldn't have just been they were amazed at how she could handle so many kids at one time, I know I would be, I can barely handle my one kid, but no because I guess there were "white people" there, she automatically ASSUMES that they think she's illegal, because she is Hispanic and all the kids are hers. You know what happens when you ASSUME ...
Stop.. all that is happening is you are spreading racism and hate, and this is what you are teaching your children.. for yet another generation of racists. Please look in the mirror before you call other people racists. This is the year 2007, it’s time to get over the past and look to the future.
Why are people so racist- "Why can't we all just get along"?
I agree with you.This racism on all fronts needs to stop.Whether you are speaking racism or feeling you are being looked down on because of who you are.Most intelligent people aren't racist.The rest don't matter.
Very good question and follow up...a star for you.
Reply:katjha20 you are so right i think racist people are so old minded, racism is the oldest and probably dumest thing ever! common like you said we are in 2007 stop hating people! Report It
Reply:People aren't allowed to stare at a bunch of kids now without being rude? The nerve!
Reply:so now you think its racist because people think you have 10 kids?( I'm shacking my head) it is not racist to assume anything. the majority of spanish people who come from the south have a bunch of kids and you know it. the majority of illegals can not speak English. and it is not racist to say that. there are White illegals as well as brown. silly rabbit.
Reply:Shall we go through this AGAIN?!
Illegal immigration has NOTHING to do with race. Mexican is not a race. The 20 to 30 million people that have crossed our borders are criminals because they have broken the law.
I don't care if the illegal is from Canada, England, Ireland, Egypt, or Peru. If they are illegal they shouldn't be here.
We can't "get over the past" with the illegals since there is no PAST. They are currently here and they are destroying our country. There is NO FINANCIAL benefit for their presence in our country. This is the finding of EVERY legitimate group.
Reply:ur soo right man.....
Reply:What do you call La Raza who says the Americans are illegal and not the illegal Mexicans?
Reply:It is not necessarily racism but xenophobia. Also there are several economic issues tied along with immigration, some positive and some negative.
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