Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do people get so bent out of shape about religion...?

Why can't people just believe what they want and not try to influence other people. Why do people care if others believe what they do or not?? There is no reason to hate anyone else only because they have a different religious opinion than you do. That's the same as hating someone because they like pepperoni pizza and you like cheese. It just seems like an unecessary outlet for people to argue. Ideas don't hurt people, the people that try to push their beliefs on other people do! Just let everybody believe what they want as long as they aren't hurting anybody else. And I know what you're going to say...stuff about extreme examples of certain religions who perform horrible acts of terrorism. The prejudices against Muslims in this country is sky high since 9/11. But then how do you explain the priests who molest young boys? Those people who assume all Muslims are terrorists, do you assume all Catholics are pedofiles..? I guess it's just wishful thinking that peace is possible.

Why do people get so bent out of shape about religion...?
Greetings to my fellow UU questioner.

Madison Avenue research tells us that people accept most readily messages that tend to reinforce things they already believe. It also tells us that they tend to reject messages that conflict with things they already believe. This is true across all subjects.

Unfortunately, the result of this phenomena is that people are slow to grow in their beliefs even when confronted with empirical evidence. Unfortunately, this resistance sometimes results in name calling or even violence in certain individuals as they have no logical argument or evidence to stand on and yet still cling to their unsupported belief.

Humans are creatures of stasis, we simply don't like to change. This is what makes our religion, Unitarian Universalism, so difficult. We are charged with seeking the truth and challenging our beliefs in the face of that search. We see spiritual life as a living evolving process rather that a static revealed set of creeds.

Too many are willing to use one set of rules for themselves and one set for others. The bombers in Oklahoma city were white, Christian, militiamen. Many Christians would say about them, "You can't judge Christians by them. They aren't 'real' Christians." However, these same Christians, when the same argument (They weren't 'real' Muslims.) is used in reference to the Muslims who flew the planes that attacked the World Trade Center, won't accept it. Similar attitudes are taken by other religious followers, I use this example only becuase I am very familiar with it. I also know many Christians that have tolerance for others and know enough not to condemn all for the acts of a few.

This world needs more tolerance and understanding. It needs fewer judgmental attitudes and locked minds.
Reply:People enjoying hating and arguing or they wouldn't be doing it.
Reply:Wishful thinking kills. MOVE ON.........

Reply:Religion is the only hope people have along with faith
Reply:Would you get bent out of shape if someone threatened your Father?. or called your Mother a wh@re?. Same difference!.
Reply:we are only talking thats all Your choices are your own Noone forced you to come in here...
Reply:Blessed are the flexible, for they shall never be bent out of shape....

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall ever be smiling....

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God.....

(Jesus actually said one of these "beatitudes"...can you tell which one...without peeking?)
Reply:Because they are soooooo sure that their imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.

Youre absolutely correct. But the fundamental problem with religion is that every religion around beleives that it is the only "true" religion, and its rules state that you must go forth and spread that message. Thus - everyone is right in their thinking, and they must cram it down your throat as well....

Personally, I feel that much of the issue with muslims being the target of hate in America has to do with the media protraying them as terrorists, and the President protraying them all as terrorists. It doesnt help the fact when the Pope chimes in and accuses them of it as well...... But if you recall WWII history, you will also recall that the tsame thing happpened to Japanese citizens of America...hated for their ethnicity, rather than be looked at as individuals.

We have to face it - religion is the worlds greatest divider of men, and should be outlawed.
Reply:It bothers some people when they see others believe something that is clearly false. I guess it doesn't bother you. It takes away something from all of us when the majority of the population believes in "God". They don't look for answers like they should if they are content to believe that the answer for everything is that "God did it." Also, the religious are the terrorists. The majority of wars in the world have been fought over religion (at least it was the excuse to go to war). Religion is a way for leaders to do what they want.

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