Sunday, July 11, 2010

To all people who start fights or bullying other people or or robbing from them for no good reason?

why do you do it, its people like you that people need protection from the police, its people like you that some people are affraid to go out at might, its people like you who have no life, you think this is cool, you think this is high class, well newsflash you you people ITS NOT, i bet its people like you who havent dont anything decent in your life.

im gonna offer you a challenge, do something that will help others and not for yourself without breaking the law without getting into physical violence unless you have to (and i mean if you really have to), try it for a day even if its one thing in that day, im not talking about protecting your own like in your gang im talking about someone you dont know, someone you think that might need help like with work, like with a problem, also try to do this and not thinking that your friends are going to think this is neardy or soft because in the end because if your friends cant respect you for something you can do for someone else like this

To all people who start fights or bullying other people or or robbing from them for no good reason?
thnx, Martin luther.
Reply:The people you refer to are not really to be found on y a , they usually are cowards, preying on the old and weak, I hope that one day one of them will try it on with an ex s a s soldier, that`ll teach them, good luck, your sentiments do you credit.
Reply:i have never robed anyone or bullyed someone

i helped a little kid tie his shoe does that count??

and i helped some really needed guy i let him sleep at my house one time

your r right i have had someone steal my money and i asked them if they did it and they lied i knew it was them
Reply:i dont think those people you are reffering to are on yahoo answers.
Reply:Although well intended, I really don't think that this message of yours is going to reach too many of those it's intended for, not here.

I'm quite curious as to what created this ~ message, and respect your intentions too.

Good luck with it.


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