Sunday, July 11, 2010

What makes people want to be racists?

People think black people are horrible. They aren't though. Black people are people just like white people. I don't understand why some people hate people with other color skin. It is only pigment. What would they do if they were a different racism? People are just really weird sometimes and I really don't understand. And please don't tell me that you are a racist! My dad is a racist and that is mostly what I hate about him. Please please please don't become on and if you are one then please stop!!!!!

What makes people want to be racists?
i would say ignorance,lack of tolerance which is probably encouraged by demons/devil. he wants us to fall from god so racism would be a great way to do so, pray for your dad and other racists that god may touch their hearts and open their eyes to the beauty of what he has created and done for us.
Reply:Racism is usually breed from fear and/or stupidity.
Reply:some people were taught to believe certain things and ignorance is bliss so if they stay ignorant and unwilling to know then they will be a fool others let bad experiences classify people of a whole race.....a girl once broke my heart...does that mean i should hate all women?
Reply:Each of us needs to feel unique.

This can be easily achieved through promoting that I am better for what I am and others are not better because they are not the same as I am.

This is wrong, but very few can help it
Reply:I guess its because of fear or jealousy. %26amp; we r all 97% the same. I'm not tryin to put down your dad but its the 21st century not the slavery time or the mid 1900's, he needs a reality check ASAP.
Reply:They want to blame someone else for their problems. And usually, it's someone that isn't white.
Reply:Racism isn't just white people hating blacks. It is blacks hating whites. It is whites hating Asians. It is Blacks hating Asians. It is Asians hating black and whites. It is any race hating another race. It is all bad no matter how you look at it. Some of it has to do with how kids are brought up. My mother was raised by parents who were racists. She was then racist. Although she wasn't as strongly racist as they were it is still bad. I guess you could say I am racist too. I mean I have had friends of different races and my best friend in high school was black. I guess you could say I am racist because I don't think the black kids in school need to have different tests in school than the white kids do. They are all in the same class and learning the same things. Why should the standards be different? If white kids can pass them then why do blacks think they can't? I don't think that black kids are stupid. I don't think that white kids are stupid. Everyone needs to study no matter what race they are. The people in my area are saying that the standard tests are made for white kids and therefore black kids can't pass them. I think it is a bunch of bull. I hardly ever got good grades in school. I was an average student in school but I never asked for different tests so that I looked smarter. I can see if someone is dyslexic or something but when the only difference is the color of skin they why do we need different tests?
Reply:I can't tell if this is a question or a sermon. Human nature is where it's at. Homo sapiens are afraid of those who are not as they are. And I don't know if there's a study, but there should be, I think that intolerance is learned behavior.
Reply:Inadequacy and low self-esteem can factor into needing someone to feel better than. How can anyone justify in labeling a whole group of any people as bad or inferior. long known that to check the problem is to find a way to level the playing field. So I've spent many years trying to discover who I am and looking into who you are.

And I can fend very well for myself. But its for many others that I have a concern for, who can be victimized by those who would dare to intimidate them because they dont have the knowledge to defend themselves - that makes their attackers cowards.

I have personally benn tested by clinical psychologists and the result I was told that I am above average (in total society). So I fear no one. No one can pull that color card on me - I have the scientific data to handle that. Skin color does not even rank as a barometer for superiority.
Reply:its all about hate. thy don't have the love of God in them. If thy did

thy would know God loves them. he said love one other for I have loved you. so if thy loved God thy would not hate. for God is love

when you hate some one you are telling God you hate his people

because he made all of us. 1Jo 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
Reply:Some people are too stupid to know any better.
Reply:Because these losers think it makes them look better to put some one else down.

Tammi Dee
Reply:If your not cool with yourself, you'll find something wrong with someone else. Happens every time.
Reply:People are not all alike, its not just color. Your dad is trying to protect you against people who will exploit you because you are not like them. It will be easy because of your Innocent righteousness.
Reply:Good question.Id like to know myself
Reply:I like your thinking.... Racism started long before Any of us was born. It stems from people not having the correct knowledge of the history of humanity. I am of African descent, i could choose to get upset about what caucasians did, but i researched history, and found truth as well as facts that allow me to see it for what it is and not take things on face value. Ignore racist. If there is no fuel for the fire, eventually it will die. Peace
Reply:The human condition.
Reply:i don't understand it either. it makes me really sad. at least you are aware and aren't following your father's example!
Reply:Racism is the result of a pyschological process called a heuristic (hyour-ist-ick).

The gist of this process is that when something happens, either bad or good you are MORE likely to notice when something similar happens again. It is the way our brains are wired to recognize patterns.

Once the heuristic becomes established it also filters out things that conflict with your predjudice so you are LESS likely to notice something that would "disagree" with the story you have built.

Racists are not stupid, or defective. Their brains are working in a very normal way. It's just they lack the self awareness of the process to "catch" themselves at the mercy of this automated process.

Once the heuristic has built up to a very strong level the person has had hundreds of incidences they have seen which have strengthened their view. Keep in mind these are not "made up" events. They happened. The difference is they are not (physically) able to process the information contrary to their viewpoint. So to them any "good" done by the other side, is to them "literally" made up, or a fairy tale.

Point blank, to a racist person, their brain overwrites reality so that the bad things stay real, but the good things become fake/ lies.

So when they relate to other people, they have a very hard time understanding how You...don' When to them it is reality. In fact, so many other people don't seem to get it, they start to think they are the only smart person in a field of dumb people. Like they are the only person who gets this big secret.

It makes the racism worse, because it brings self righteousness into it. They feel justified in their feelings because they feel "gifted" wth a sight very few other people have.

I hope that helps you understand it better. Maybe this can help you cope with, or help educate your father.

With a racist trying to tell them their hate is irational often doesn't work because their problem is with how their logic works in the first place.

Good luck
Reply:There are various reasons dependent on the individual group.

Aryanists were a highly racist set of individuals. They supplied the first texts for the Indus River Valley people. They, Indus River Valley people, eventually became Hindus. Aryanists dominated all they believed to be inferior.

The KKK group embraces a teaching called Serpent Seed Doctrine. It is an allegorical interpretation of the Bible where they think Adam's son Cain was the son of Satan and Eve. It goes on to say that Noah's wife was a descendant of Cain and that Noah's son Ham and Noah's wife had sex. They think this is where dark skinned races come from. Mormonism used to teach an altered version of this. They denounced the teaching since then. William Branham also taught this when he was alive.

Hitler was a devout evolutionist. He thought he was speeding up evolution by exterminating inferior species. He frequently quoted Darwin. He believed he knew who were descendants of the Aryan races.

Basically if a faith or movement condones violence in any way, it is a cult.

As for Christianity, a balanced view would be that Christ took the death penalty upon Himself putting an end to it. Well there's more to it...
Reply:i believe racists become racist once they grow up and receive no care and explanations from their parents

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