Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do people demand rich people to donate?

Why do people always complain about rich people not donating moneys?

Why do rich people have to donate the moneys to everybody in the world?

Don't people understand that a rich people work hard to get to where they're in their life. So they'r not just gonna to say "ok here's my credit card take it"!

People gotta to respect the fact that not everyone is into performing a goodwill and generous action or try to make it a public thing.

Plus do anyone here REALLY believe if most of members here somehow come up with huge amount of moneys, they'll donate huge percent of it? I don't...

Go ahead and try to put on big show and preach about how you'll donate everythings to help people out, but I'll still not believe you. It's easy to talk but once the moneys is in your hands, your feel will change faster than a group of vultures can tear apart a rotting dead human.

Why do people demand rich people to donate?
i don't donate anyone! most people i feel can help themselves if they really homeless people...there are always options...anyone can get a why should i donate my hard earned cash? if i was rich i would perhaps donate to the world wildlife fund or something, just because animals going extinct can't help themselves.
Reply:Well, for one thing, many rich people don't work hard to get their money. They inherit it. For example, what, exactly, did Paris Hilton have to do to get her money, other than be born? Nothing. Second, it is wrong for some people to be fabulously wealthy while others are starving to death and have no place to live. It just is. It is wrong for ceos to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for sitting in airconditioned offices while their employees make minimum wage.

I don't necessarily think that rich people need to donate all their money. But I do think we desperately need social and economic reform in this country. I don't know how to do it, but we need some way to decrease the disparity in lifestyles and income levels in our country.
Reply:Oh yea, all rich people totally work hard for their money. Take Paris Hilton for example, gosh it's just so hard to say "that's hot" and go party constantly.

Not all rich people work for their money. We have quite a few jobs that are over valued, celebrities, sports coaches, etc etc. Sure they entertain us, but what are they seriously contributing to society to get paid as much as they do. People who own corporations have screwed up our environment, basically have kids as slaves, kill people with some of the chemicals in their products yet they get paid tons too.

I don't think rich people should be forced into donating money, but to an extent they really don't need all the money they have especially when you look at the ridiculous things it's spent on. I think that's the reason why people supposedly "demand" that they donate.

I'm completely fine with helping myself and I think others should too, but I also don't think it's such a big deal to donate to certain charities and organiztions every once in a while.
Reply:those people believe in EQUITY, which is giving to the poor to improve their lives to the same level as those of wealth. but this equity crap neglects the fact that a lot of the wealthy EARNED it. we shouldnt share if we dont want to. the rich pay tax too, and a lot more, so they give to the system that in turn gives to the poor.

I think people should look less at the wealthy, and ask the churches why they dont share their millions in tithing money with the needy?

truth is, the needy cant donate enough, so are unworthy to the church, because after all, the church is a revenue gatherer, not a passport to heaven.

To you people who believe in EQUITY:

give up trying to shame the wealthy people into sharing their money that they or their families earned by being cleverer than you guys, and instead focus on the church, that gets money for NOTHING and never shares it with teh needy. they try and guilt trip society in adverts on world hunger, but never seem to open their own accounts.

business is booming...
Reply:Envy and jealousy.
Reply:The people who like to demand that,wish that they,too,were rich.It's a wannabe world!
Reply:work hard! when did hard work ever make anyone rich? I have had the most labor intense job in a production facility three times and have nothing to show for it but a bad back. You don't know what hard work is. You know that chicken breast you like so much. Get a job catching those chickens and see if you get rich. No one with money ever worked to get it. Sitting at a desk, going to meetings, talking on the phone, that is not working hard. the hard work is peformed by other people making them wealthy. I was raised to believe if you worked hard you would be succesful. What a load of crap!
Reply:Let's demand poor people to donate money to poor people!!! that's a good idea! what's your question again?

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