Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why can't people shut up about people being "too skinny"?

What is it with people telling skinny people that they need to eat? Like it's their fault they're skinny? Because maybe they have a high metabolism? Or because they aren't lazy? Or because they only eat when they're hungry? What is it with the movie title "Real Women Have Curves"? Like we aren't real women because we aren't fat? And "a stick isn't a shape but a circle is"? Why do people have to think that we're skinny therefore we must have an eating disorder? Why do people have to tell me that I need to eat? Like they actually think I don't eat? Can't anyone understand that some people are just freaking born skinny? Why can't these people just shut the hell up? AND WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO MAKE FUN OF SKINNY PEOPLE IN ORDER TO MAKE FAT PEOPLE FEEL BETTER?! It's more unhealthy to be fat than to be skinny!

Why can't people shut up about people being "too skinny"?
I agree, i'm naturally skinny too, and my friends are always bugging me to eat more and blablabla, and it's really hard to gain any weight because everything is low fat or 0 calories.
Reply:how skinny are we talking about. depriving your body of neccesary nutrients can cause the organ to go into shock and shut down. if a lot of people are truly concearned about your lack of weight, then there might really be a problem. when you get to the point that bones are showing and you could be used reference in an anatomy class, then yes, your to skinny.
Reply:Most of the people tend to be fat and hence they tend to talk about it.

Eat only when hungry and that too not more than three times a day. Drink only water in between. Include uncooked fruits and vegetables in ur food to the maximum possible extent. Chew each morsel at least 32 times so that ur body systems get activated and give ur proper signals when u r hungry and when u r not.

Take regularly light exercises and brisk walks preferably twice a day.

This regime will make u achieve what u wish to achieve by keeping count of countless calories and that too automatically.
Reply:They are jealous. They think you don't eat if it's not as much as them.
Reply:i hear ya on that one. i eat like a horse but i wont gain a pound

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