Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why are people so hateful?

So no matter what you do or who you are someone is always going to hate you. People try to pick out all the negatives of a person and then they dicide they hate that person for some small reasons. No wonder people are so afraid of talking in public and all that kind of stuff. Someone hates you no matter what. I'm sure lots of people hate me. Why cant people just find the positives of people instead of hating them for something stupid. What i hate is people being hateful towards other people. Why must people be so hateful. If you read this please next time you are talking to someone avoid saying how much u hate someone. You will be alot happier.

Why are people so hateful?
Dear Me,

I understand exactly what you are saying. I have 2 philosophies about the people who are critical about you:

1. They want to better you, in which case they are actually your friends, and then you should not worry.

2. They are "jerks" and will do that no matter what, in which case you should not let them get to you, because their opinions don't matter anyway. So no worries again.

Rehman of Multan
Reply:they are hateful b/c of the devil in them
Reply:Humanity is always afraid of what it doesn't understand...
Reply:when someone hate others this just show you how easy they think..... it takes them all of 1 min to say i hate you .. most of the hate comes from what there friends think if one says oh i hate that person then the others will follow ..we should have more peace in this world then war then there be less of hate i agree with you it is a bad thing when someone hates s others
Reply:I agree. Hate is infectious, and most who hate feel deserving of hate themselves. To them - if they deserve hate, then so does everyone else, for some reason.

The trick is to know whether or not you deserve hate...and if you know you do not, you will not. If you merely assume you do, you will.
Reply:because we are human. we get bored easily if everything is all happy and gay.
Reply:I think people say they hate people but they dont really ahte them. I mean no sooner has somebody said how they disliked somebody and then they will talk to them. I think people just sometimes like somebody to dislike.

dont worry about these people anyway, as you progress in life you start to spend less time with these people anyway.
Reply:It's 100% easier to find fault than to dig for the treasure. Faults are out there for all the world to see......good things lie deeper and take more work.

Hate is easy.....Love is hard.
Reply:Do something right, people don't notice, do something wrong everyone grips, usually people don't talk when its positive, just talk when its negative, I guess that's what they call gossip.
Reply:It is hard to deal with other people's negativity and hatred. But almost always, the people who project this onto others are people who are very afraid. There is a great book that discusses the ideas of love and fear and how they effect everything we think, say and do. It is called "A Return to Love" by Marrianne williamson. You might want to get it from the library or a book store and read it. It won't change how other people are acting, but it will change how it effects you.

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