Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why do people insist on bickering and fighting all the time.?

dont people think that this world have seen enough violence to last for eternity. we fight about anything and everything. people get killed just for looking at someone. people get killed for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. we have terrorists, wars, people getting beeten so badly they own mothers dont even recognise them. but here we all are ready to carry on this sickening violence. why do we argue all the time? religion why cant people just accept that every1 is different and have different beliefs i am a christian but accept ever1 elses beliefs and i would never judge any1 for what they believe.why do people kill eachother because of rasism, why do people even bother arguin over that, so what if your white so what if your black, pink purple or any other colour. when i look around and see the devastation that man has done to this world and the people in it, it makes me feel ashamed that we all let it happen by bickering about petty things.

Why do people insist on bickering and fighting all the time.?
God gave dominion of the earth to man, but when man sinned and fell from grace he gave dominion of earth to Satan.

Satan's job is to steal, and to kill,, and to destroy, thus all of the stealing, killing, and destroying on the earth.

When Jesus died on the Cross and arose from the dead, He paid the wages of sin thus buying back dominion of the earth for man, but man must believe,repent, and receive that dominion back before man gets it back physically, until that time Satan can steal,kill, and destroy anyplace that man leaves opening for him. Abortion is only one of many places that Satan still is running loose because of the liars at Planned Parenthood, NOW, and other places. Wars and crime is taking place because man leaves openings for Satan and his Demons.

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