Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I feel racist towards people of my own race?

People of my race treat me with absolutely no respect at all. I don't have to deal with ignorance, immaturity, and stupidity from white people. I don't understand why people of my race behave the way that they do. I am a nice person. I treat people with respect just how i would want to be treated, but people of my race are not that way to me in return. People of my race have no manners. They are very rude and disrespectful. For example whenever I go into a resteraunt where black people work, the person who is taking my order always has a terrible attitude although i have not been nothing but nice to them. If I am walking down the street minding my own business or shopping in the store, i'll get black people looking at me laughing calling me ugly when i have not done anything wrong to them. I always get black men slamming doors in my face. I have people of my race harrassing me every job that I get because they say i am ugly. When I am around white people they are very nice.

I feel racist towards people of my own race?
Well I am a white man and I have never told anybody they are ugly people should be judged by the way they act not the way they look. I am sure you probable get harassed at work because you do your job and the ones doing the harassment

would rather pick on the ones who do their jobs than do an honest day's work. Stay the way you are and I'm sure people

will eventually grow up and start treating you like the lady that

you are if not that's their lost. Good people are getting hard

to find and always remember you are unique you are one of a kind and that makes you beautiful no manner what anyone

else says.
Reply:Sounds like you live in a place with some nasty people who have issues. I know that African Americans have been screwed and they are angry, and they are angry at themselves for getting screwed and for allowing it to continue and for being powerless to stop it. A lot of decent people turn into jerks because they can't relax because of fear and because of morons who are too loud. They can't get away. I know because I'm always dealing with them because I'm a real estate agent in Buffalo.
Reply:Oh, that is so horrible. They are simply revealing their hatred for themselves.

You have done nothing to them. I don't think it's that white people are so much "nicer" than your own race. But maybe they do not harbor resentment and ambivalence about their color.

And, by the way, what those unhappy malcontents are saying about you is not true: You are not ugly; they are just miserable.
Reply:maybe your over reacting to a situation that aint there. when people feel they have something in common with you they tend to be more open with there own characters. It may be a color issue but in reality it can be comfort. I feel more comfortable in a room full of hispanics. I feel out of place in a room full of white folks i dont know. When I finally make a connection with them... then that feeling goes away. In other words being myself is easier. If your trying to avoid that connection with your own race... then maybe they feel out of place with you... making your interactions with them bad.
Reply:it is not racist...because what you have jsut said has nothing to do with the color of their skin...

there are white peopel i cannot stand...but it aint because they are white
Reply:I am so sorry that you go through crab like that.

I am one who treats people the way i want to be

treated, and that is with respect.

I can't believe that every black person treats you like that, that's horrible.
Reply:I guess whatever color our skin is the trick is to develop a thicker skin. Be at peace and don't worry so much about what others think. You are a sensitive and I'll bet wonderful, lovely person! God Bless!
Reply:White people dont want to be called or look rascist so they are nice. Black people play with you becuase it doesnt feel rascist towards them.
Reply:Honey, you can't catergorize everyone as racist. That would be like you saying, people that speak French, won't speak French with you because you are not French.

It's all relative. As the saying goes, "don't sweat," the small stuff.

My feeling is you read too much into what you perceive as people not liking you.

We do NOT have a law in the United States that says people must speak to you, be nice to you, call you on the telephone, invite you to dinner, invite you to a movie.

You are perceiving what is not reality. Please "stop reading," something where there is nothing.

When you walk down the street, greet the person, with a nod or smile and keep walking.

I remember when I was in high-school, I was always "picked on." I sat in the front row and every-day, like clock work a student would walk by me and intentionally "step on my foot, he had to move his foot close to mine before he could step on my foot.

Years later we ran into each other and he apologized to me, all those years later.

If you are not happy with the way you look go to Macy's or one of the other department stores and get a "make over," I'm sure you will have a better perspective on the "new you." Best of luck my dear.
Reply:This is pretty interesting. I think some black people may be racist against their own race because racism is so prevelant in our society, although nowadays it is not so overt and is in a disguise rather rather than 'in your face' like it used to be years ago.

I read an article once about a little black girl who went to the doctor and when she got a doctor who was black, she said "you can't be a doctor", and she actually demanded a white doctor. This shows how deep racism runs in our society, still. I guess I could understand being racist towards your own race to some extent. For example, I am Russian and I think Russians make shitty movies and music. This is nonetheless a starnge phenomenon.

roller skates

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