Sunday, July 11, 2010

People think I am racist because I got into a fight with a black guy. It was his fault, how do I explain this?

Ok the story goes like this. This black guy called Michael in my school is a year older than me. He is 18 and I am 17. He does not like me for some reason, and he and his group of friends always make fun of me for no reason. He calls me whitey, which really enoys me. But I decided just to ignore them. However, yesterday he really pissed me off. He told me that my race enslaved his race. I said that I have nothing to do with that as I am European, not American. I am Russian and my people never enslaved any black people. He than said that all white people had black people as slaves. I told him that he is uneducated if he thinks that. He thought that I meant that all the blacks are uneducated and hit me in the stomach, and than I beat the hell out of him. They had to carry him to the school nurse. Now everybody thinks I am a racist, but I have nothing against black people... I only fought this guy because he punched me first. He was asking for it. How do I change people's opinions about m

People think I am racist because I got into a fight with a black guy. It was his fault, how do I explain this?
I am black, and I do undestand you. IT's pretty crazy the opinion people have about racism. I don't know you, but from what you said, that guy seemed to be more racist than you actually are. Now do you have any blakc friends who understand you? hang out with them. Plus you don't need to prove to people that you're not racist, you just need to know you're not. But if a black or white or yellow or green guy hit you and you had to fight back, it doesn't mean you're racist.
Reply:i don't think there's much you can do to change people's opinions. unfortunately, that's highschool for you. when rumor's start, it's hard to fight them off and change people's mind's. if you're 17 i guess that means you're almost done high-school? as long as your friends know who you are, that's really all that matters. i also wouldn't be surprised if him and his friends weren't spreading rumors. if anything he was the one who is racist.
Reply:What I think you should do is just explain it to people like you did here. If anyone asks you what happened, tell them that he was egging you on, and you tried to ignore him, but when he punched you he crossed the line, and you probably would've done the same to anyone who pushed you in the same way.

If people hold it agaisn't you for a while, if you're sincerely not a racist, eventually they will realize that what you did, while maybe it wasn't the right thing to do, was justified. I know the type of guy he must be to try and prod at you like that, and trust me, there are idiots of every race in this world.

I think that if you go and make some ethnic friends just to make amends that people will be able to see right through you. Just act nice to everyone, make friends with who you want, and try not to get in fights from now on.
Reply:Did you tell him to research that cause the first slave was sold to americans from another black male. So actually his "people" sold him out. turn your cheek don't let him get to you, you have WAY more important things then racism to worry about. %26lt;3 hope all goes well!
Reply:They're all hypocrites, everyone is racist on the inside, just to varying degrees. You were not wrong in what you did at all, and that black guy just tried to pick a fight but you kicked his ***, good job. Just explain to everyone the situation and that he had it coming to him. I hate how in today's society if a white guy beats up a black guy everyone is pulling the racist card, such bullcrap.
Reply:color of somone is only skin deep - and it dosnt matter who you faught-

Firstly, and most importantly let me give you a huge EUROPEAN brother handshake man. or as a black boy would say, "big up respect" haha.

Now I'm going to get called a racist too but so does everyone in this day and age.

I just wish I was there to see this happen because I am sick and tired of people who talk louder than they hit and YES I'm sorry to say but 90% of these people are black boys, and they talk and talk and talk until someone like you shows them whos who. Now the reason why your "racist" is because big old 18 year old 50 Cent just got taken down, and what he said he was, well he really isn't and now he's embarrsed, also uneducated. Therefore meaning your racist, don't ask why because I'm not a retard.

These guys probably wont even try come at you because they know what you can do, however just keep your wits about cuz these guys are cowards so just watch your back.

Once again well done for beating his asss Euro style.

Peace brother.
Reply:I would tell them the same thing you told us yahoo users. And if they don't believe you, don't worry about it. Move on. You don't have to convince anyone who refuses to believe you.
Reply:I'm glad you beat his a--. A lot of guys are like this and need a reality check with your fists. I do not advocate starting a fight and you did not start this. He got what he deserves and anyone who judges you a racist are the real racists because they are judging by race. Good for you, he got what he deserved.
Reply:He's the racist, you need to make sure everyone knows that what he originally said.

That, or let it lie and allow the people who do know you and trust you to accept you, if they know you well enough, they will know the truth.
Reply:!!!YOUR A RACIST!!!
Reply:People will always think what they want to. This black kid was clearly ignorant. You are not racist. He is and he deserved what you gave him. Who cares what people think. Just continue to do you. Get good grades and graduate high school. It's sad that you had to be a victim of this nonsense. This is coming from a black girl.

Good luck
Reply:I think you both need to grow up. You're 18 and 17? You sound like you both have the education of 5th graders. Secondly, he is a racist. He is calling you whitey and bringing up the issue of race. Tell him to stop being an idiot and to read a book.
Reply:start wearing an Obama for President t-shirt. That should do the job.
Reply:Dont change, sounds like you handled that monkey well. screw trying to explain it be white proud and dont worry about what others think.
Reply:Make some black friends. Hang out with them a bit...... it will show people that you have a tolerance for other races. In all actuality, he is the racist one for being so ignorant and calling you "whitey." Sounds like he deserved that *** whipping. Good job.
Reply:Good job.....thanks for beating his azz

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