Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why are people always trying to judge blacks as well as any race?

I have read alot of these A/Q stupid questions first of all black people aren't the only people with attitudes. I know for a fact that there are still some white people who look at black people funny and want evan talk to them because of there skin you can't tell me thats not rude. just because they wear weave doesn't mean there trying to be white, white people aren't the only ones with good hair. I think they have the right to wear and weave what ever they want with out being judged. along time black have been told there not cute there skin color is ugly etc but we have alot of white people getting tans to darken there skin some white people are wearing braids evan adding weave/ hair clips to there head and thats there choice there not judged for it and they shouldn't be just like blacks shouldn't be judged. I'm mixed with black and mexican I have a brown shade I'm proud because I'm proud and choose to show/flaunt it that shouldn't bother you open your mind stop being ignorant.

Why are people always trying to judge blacks as well as any race?
OOH I LUVVVV THIS QUESTION!!! We Blacks are frowned upon and discriminated against because for so long we were held captive as slaves,maids,and sexual beings. So why shouldn't we have an attitude or stick our noses up. On the other hand Harriett Tubman rescued us as well as people like George Washington Carver,Martin Luther King,and the list goes on of my many forefathers and mothers that said let me show the abusers that us Blacks can accomplish,invent,and rise to another level of high dreams,wants,desires,and hopes. When it was done,we still hadn't won because "they" still claimed our priveledged accomplishment was there's at first. And "they" continue on as of today making us work harder at success-shouldn't we be tired,pissed off,and noses in the air-hell my back hurts for my people.
Reply:Thanxxx so much for feeling me girl,I really appreciate it...Blaque(((("))))Widow Report It

Reply:Because they are narrow minded and grew up with the mentality that their race is the only right race. God help them all!
Reply:gosh that's so true, good on ya for speaking ur mind!!!

Unfortunately some people will always judge, assume, ridicule another due to their race, colour, sex etc... These people are of course not worth much. Y can't we all live together in peace and harmony - so what if all our skin colour is not the same (we all bleed red!!!)
Reply:I agree with you soooooooooooo much but what can you do! People are always going to have something dumb to say about other people's ethnis background and I never understood that whole white people tanning shyt either especially if they are those type of people that don't like darker skin people why wpuld they then themselves get a tan 9maybe it's self hatred) who knows!!!!!!
Reply:cuz there hatin... the shoulnt look at the color of your skin, but they should look at how you are

Why do people hate me?

I'm not popular, I'm not loud, and I'm not full of myself, I swear. I'm that really quite girl that sits in the corner and reads a book. I hardly ever talk to people I usually choose two people in each of my classes and , if they seem to like me and are nice, they are the ones I talk to and no one else unless it's absolutely nesecarry. I try to be nice to people who do talk to me I'm not rude to them I'm not friendly though I'm usually pretty short with them giving them simple yes or no answers and rarely offering any more than what they've asked. I tend to live in my own world I'm unaware of other people and their feelings but I don't see why people concern themselves with that as I don't concern myself with them. People I don't even know who are friends of friends have openly told me they dislike me ,mainly girl friends of one of my guy friends, people I thought were my friends don't like me and in fact can't stand me! I was so surprised because they talked to me first. I'm confused!

Why do people hate me?
hmmm, i think they might get the impression you think you're too good to spare them your attention. i was also the quiet nice girl back in high school, a lot of people told me i looked mean or angry, when in reality, i was just minding my own business. i did however think everyone was stupid. you probably do to. but, my point is, it sounds like you don't like them, you don't want anything to do with them, like you don't even care to make an effort. i'm assuming you're in HS. most HS kids are full of unnecessary drama. i think they don't like you because their self absorbed a**es feel you don't like them. they don't know what the real world is like. if this really bugs you (that they don't like you) make an effort, of be fake, they love that.
Reply:Hey there. Join the club.

The quiet kid always gets hated on. I know - we do nothing wrong! I used to be the quiet kid- now I'm the loner kid. I know this is sort of a pessimistic answer, but I'm speaking the truth- people hate me and call me mean- people that I have never spoken to ever in my life! The reason why? That is the reason why. You never speak to them, so they automatically assume that you're narcissistic or something. I am also really shy, though I don't know about you, so try speaking to more people. I hope this helped.
Reply:they are missing out on a very unique person and your a good girl and not all dramatic and you march to your own beat so do not worry who likes or dislikes you it was said to get a reaction. well they got nothing and that makes you good for not being a twit. and i like you because your you and God does not make trash people make them selves trashy.
Reply:Because you wonder why they hate you.

1. You're being slightly conceited by categorizing yourself the way you did.

2. People hate people who don't talk- they think you're secretive.

3. Yes or no answers are not what most people are looking for.

4. You can't spell.
Reply:They're the kind of people who get annoyed by every little thing. It's not you, really, because those people just get annoyed by the fact that you're shy (which most ppl dont get annoyed by), and since they have nothing better to do they hate you for it.
Reply:I don't know how to say this but if I was everybody else I would think u thinkur better than everybody else so u only talk to a few "chosen ones". Its not ment to seem as harsh as it sounds try and interact more with them by say hi in passing or something
Reply:it's necessary that other people hate you, but i think all the people who hate you are just insecure. just think that there is more people who loves you like your parents and your Best friend:)
Reply:since you dont talk to anybody people think that you think your to "cool" to talk to them so they stay away cause they think your concited which by the sound of your details i think you are
Reply:People probably dont like you because you are too quiet. that could make you seem wierd to some people. You need to talk to people and be more socialble
Reply:u sounded kinda conceited................ sryy
Reply:In general, people like to talk, interact, share thoughts, share secrets.... communication is the key. It is an expression of friendliness, caring, love...

Because you don't communicate much, people assume that you are "anti-social", that you don't care about them, that you think you're better than them so you don't talk to them, etc.

If you would like for people not to hate you anymore, try to start communicate more. Go and talk to others instead of waiting for people to come to you.

You don't have to start at school if you don't feel comfortable. First practice outside in the community. When you are in the grocery store, smile at strangers. When waiting in line to pay for food, etc, learn to ask "What's your name," "How are you doing," etc.

It's very easy: all you have to do is ask questions and they will do all the talking. When they ask you a question in return, elaborate on your answer so they feel that you trust them, then ask another question.
Reply:You're cool...(there will always be anywhere from 1 to 100 people who don't like varies from person to person...even having a lot is normal...

When I was your age, I was the same way...but I hung around a select group of friends who "DIDN'T" hate me, and I long ago adopted the attitude that "Hey! If they don't like me, they can kizz my rosy oz, that's their problem, not mine, because they're making their own bed, so they gotta' lie in it, and once again they can kizz me rosy oz, if youze knows whaddeye' mean, and are catchin' what I'm throwin' atcha' 'ear...

That kind of thing gets less and less as you move up through the ranks all the way through college...then...after college...Everybody will love you, but YOU'LL hate everybody...go figure...hee hee.


Why are people saying Obama hates/racist towards white people?

I always read on message boards and blogs and other crap where people always say Obama hates white people yet what i dont understand is if he hates white people wouldnt he hate HIMSELF, his mom, his grandma since he is 1/2 white himself.

I find it funny, if he is pro white people say he will hates blacks if he is pro black people say he hates white, if he is in the middle people say he hates both.

Why are people saying Obama hates/racist towards white people?
because the want people to believe them so the do not vote for him.

it is one of the many faults of the elections.
Reply:Okay so just because he is 1/2 white doesn't mean he cant hate whites. Hitler was 1/2 Jewish and you see what he did? and Obama when to a church who wouldn't accept his mother or grandmother because they were white. it was a church for only blacks and they extremly hated white people. His pastor was on TV the other day talking about him and there church and there beliefs about white people and how they hates them and crap. But like i said before Hitler was 1/2 Jewish and hated the Jews. Obama is the same way just with whites instead of Jews.
Reply:Why do white people always call someone racist if they talk about America's past and don't agree with it. What type of mess is this, is their conscious so guilty they want us to just forget. Why is it wrong to "white people" to talk about America's racist past. We talk about what Hitler did to the Jews, and why Jewish people hate Hitler. Is that wrong too, would the Jewish people be wrong if they hated Nazis and what it stands for. Hmmm! So Obama says he relates more with blacks, hell in America if you have one ounce of black in your blood, they will call you a n****r. Obama is half white, raised with his white family( mother, grandmother, sister who is 1/2 white also.) I think some Americans need to wake up, smell the coffee. America's history is not clean, America has so much blood of other races on their hands. Obama thinks he can change it, give the man a chance.

PS: to soccer if you researced your information you would see that The United Trinty Church has 1/2 white and 1/2 black congregation. I wonder why white people would attend a church that is so racist towards them.
Reply:Maybe because he does and if you listened to him speak you would know this. He joined the trinity church so he could become known as a black man, he had a white girlfriend in college, but got rid of her, because he did not want to be a part of the white race basically, he calls himself a black man yet he is half white, why not call himself white, read his book and you will see in it that he wants no part of his white heritage. What more do you need to see he does not like the white race.
Reply:Well that is America for you...

It is a big thing to have a black candidate who so far has a big chance of becoming president and of course you are going to hear that he is racist. Same as Clinton, I'm sure you have heard her as being sexist. It's America... people... you will always hear criticisms of all kinds no matter who the person is. It's the media you are hearing and people who listen and agree with it. You cant change that, it is very unfortunate. No one knows who to vote for anymore because the media and the anti's and pro's can demoralize a person, none of us will really know who they truly are.
Reply:People say this because they have actually read his own words in his own books. You should to, it might shed some light on the real Obama. The books are good, because it is the real Obama, before he decided to run for president. Before you decide to support a candidate, it is your responsibilty to do your own research. Otherwise, you will come off looking foolish. Which is exactly what Obama supporters look like right now.
Reply:This is why some of us would call this the Black Hole syndrome. He can't if he could but won't because he might.

A difficult decission and it really is the ying and the yang of Barck Obama.

Most just figure on him as black as that is how he looks. But he has lots of white in his black.

A hard mess to call or to take chances with.

I'd rather not.
Reply:Ya know, that is a good point, I was thinking that myself. What I don't understand is, how he can still be friends with this Rev Wright character, When in fact as you mentioned it, his G-ma and mom are white, yet Rev Wright said those horrible things about white people. What's up with that?? Ask people that question
Reply:brother, where have you been....he has been a member (20 years) of a separatist church...that is very racist toward white and very pro the black agenda and Anti-American....he never mentions his mother or grandmother...he only claims his black heritage.
Reply:Go to his website and under his people, look for the white race. The last time I was there, they were not listed, however the black race was up there with a few other races and other minority groups. It's not fair and balanced.
Reply:He is the evil anti Christ and he hates everyone in the US and wants us all to burn cause he didn't wear the right button on his shirt or jump and wave at a flag.

Obama 08
Reply:I suggest you read his books. Then you will see that he hates white people, capitalism and America in general.

Reply:The people who say he hates whites have read his books in which he constantly trashes his white heritage.
Reply:Because hillary voted several ways on Iraq and Nafta and has no record so relies on this crap
Reply:Because they are desperate to try and stop him. It won't work though.

Obama 2008
Reply:Its his alignment to islam and hamas!!!!!! and this is still America, lst time I looked.
Reply:You heard about his black supremacy church and the rev Wright, right? That's why.
Reply:it s called self loathing
Reply:because they have nothing else on him
Reply:well its not true and he should win
Reply:Well said my friend. It's their own hatred they put on display. Really pathetic. Really sad. But it is their right to display their idiocy.

Almost as bad as making a big fuss out of his middle name Hussein, when John Sidney McCain shares the same first name as noted serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Both mean nothing.
Reply:They quote mine, take things our of context and make up outright lies.

You could do the same with any of the candidates and come up with any result you want.

There is just a small but active group of Obama haters who can't get over his middle name and his skin color.

Why do racist people say black people are monkeys or chimps???

I don't see the resemblence at all. Monkeys can't have curly hair. Their hair is always straight. Black people can only have curly hair. Monkeys have those aposable feet or whatever. Black people don't. Monkeys either have a greyish face or a peachish face. Black people are brown. The only thing I can think of that black people and monkeys have in common is they are both from africa. But monkeys are from other places too. And giraffes can only be found in africa so why aren't black people called giraffes? I don't get it. Why do people call black people monkeys?

Why do racist people say black people are monkeys or chimps???
it's an extremely insulting and racist thing to say. it's a way of saying they're not fully human. they can act like humans if taught to do so but they still aren't humans. if you hear this you should not take it as being just a stupid joke.
Reply:Don't be offended by people saying this because honestly they're talking about themselves because at the end of the day EVERYBODY came from a damn ape!
Reply:They don't have curly hair, it's kind've nappy, but can be nice silky and smooth. They call them monkeys and chimps because they are both black/brown, whatever you'd like to call it. Sometimes based on their behaivor since balck people tend to get angry if someone gets them the slightest bit mad they go and throw a tantrum thinking they can beat anyone up, as along with chimps and such. Just think about it..
Reply:Because Racist are dumb stupid and they need Jesus
Reply:Evolution. All humans come from monkeys, including whites.
Reply:I don't know.The next time you hear someone call us a monkey. Ask them why they said it and I bet they will either get smart with you are give you a dumb answer.
Reply:HEY! I'm cute!
Reply:People that say things like that are Jackasses.
Reply:It isn't because of looks. It is an insult which insinuates that blacks are not as evolved as the rest of us. It infers that they are still savage or animal like. Get it now?


We didn't all evolve from monkeys. Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor, but that is different than saying we came from monkeys. Pay attention in science class people.
Reply:racist people are ignorant, and they think they say things to insult others, but racist people are so stupid that they have no idea that by calling black people mokeys and chimps, they are calling black people extremely smart, cause thats what mokeys are, they are so intelligent that they are the second spicies in earth close enough to relate to us humans, so thats means, that mokeys are smarter than humans themselves, so this means that black people are smarter than racist people.
Reply:Good questions racists of all races are idiots there is nothing ratiinal or understandable about how they "think" Ur right it makes no sense neither does ****,kike, honky, ******* or other eiphets used by dumbasses
Reply:well if you want to go the scientific route, there's a theory that all humans came from monkeys...not just blacks. so i couldn't tell you why people say that.
Reply:Ignorant people have ignorant comments. Isnt it pathetic all the hate on this? Its really sad. And there arent enough Americans standing up for their brothers and sister in their own country. The blacks have fought in the same wars with the white and they were put in the most dangerous positions and many lost their lives then they sent in the white troops. People of America stand up for the people that help build your country. Stand up for the mexicans who are also building your country at half the price you pay a white man. If you want a strong country it cannot go on with such deep divisions.
Reply:I guess is because monkeys have black hair or most of them at least...but that's not only here, other countries do it though
Reply:I've always wondered the same thing...
Reply:Thanks for posting this question.
Reply:I asked someone who said that once, At first he couldn't think of anything then he said that black peoples skulls slope like a monkeys.??? i dunno what that means tho
Reply:That's simple, because those people making those racist claims are morons.

I think the morons are disagreeing with me. lol

special shoes

Why do people think its safe to meet people in a nightclub than off the net?

Why do people, often parents, accept that it's safe to go out to a night club or pub full of drunks, drug addicts and anybody who walks in off the street? They also don't mind if their kids then walk home alone at 3am or get into any car outside the club and all that is seen as being ok and safe.

Compare that to meeting someone you've spoken to for months in a busy shopping centre in the middle of the day where everyone is sober and there're plenty of people around. Explain to me how that is more dangerous!?! I'm just curious as to why some people have this total dread and fear of the net and assume everyone online is dodgy. Don't these people understand that they themselves are online and that people on the net are the same people you meet out and about?

Why do people think its safe to meet people in a nightclub than off the net?
due to the nightclub nannies outside
Reply:It's because you can make assessments about people face to face using many indicators, including non-verbal and body language. I mind very much about how my daughters will get home and they are sensible enough to ensure they always have the cab fare home, and use reputable, established cab companies. Sadly there are people on line who are not who or what they claim and it's impossible to make a sound judgement about someone you have never met and cannot see. I would hope if one raises their children right and instills decent values, you/they can trust their judgement when assessing whether or not a person or a situation is safe.
Reply:Well online you could be talking to just about anyone. Their motives could be to steal your identity, rob you or just play with your head. Until you meet someone and talk face to face you just never know. You still need to be on your guard no matter how long you have talked online. Meet in a public place. this person could be anyone and not really the person you think you know. Keep your guard up until you are sure.

Beautiful People?

Society determines what is considered "beautiful". Millions people want to look like the fake images in magazines and on TV, but very few (if any) ever reach that regardless of how many boob jobs, nose jobs, botox injections they may get. If so many people are wanting to look a certain youthful, beautiful way, then why is it when they see ACTUAL real life people who are naturally beautiful without alll the fake surgical crap, they make rude comments, they assume that she's a slut or he's a gigilo, they start rumors about them, consider them to be conceited before they ever get to know them as a person? It's an observation that I just don't get. If people (not all people obviously) spend all this money on clothes and fake surgical procedures to be what they think is beautiful, then why do they seem so resentful toward people who they are trying to look so much like?

Beautiful People?
Yeah I'm hot too. Its a crime I swear. People eaither want to control you or verbally attack you. I mean I'm totally hot and I dont even workout much, is being sexy a crime?
Reply:Jelousy they want the true ugly people to look pretty and the true pretty people to look ugly Fake Beauty=Health problems later on in life, Natural Beauty=Consider Real and gifted you can be ugly and still be beautiful only if natural u get wat i mean?
Reply:Clearly because of jealousy. They are upset that someone else has achieved this same "ideal" of beauty that they themselves have worked so long to achieve for themselves.
Reply:lol, they do it out of jealousy! whenever someone feels threatened by someone who is more talented or beautiful, they will not hesitate to bad mouth them because they are jealous and insecure.



People should not look at magazines or watch TV there is your solution.

Why do people always asume childfree people will change their minds in the future?

I mean, seriously. I've seen a lot of answers on my questions, and they say that I'll change my mind in the future, which is highly a doupt. I don't want kids! I been thinking that way for 4 years.

People say they don't want kids ever, and people just change their words and say that they will someday, like jeez. That's very annoying!

Why do people assume that? It's none of their business! If people say they don't ever want kids, then they don't want kids! It's the childfree person's life, not those who assume that!

So why do people always asume childfree people will change their minds in the future?

Why do people always asume childfree people will change their minds in the future?
It annoys the h*ll out of me when people say that! I have known since I was 15 that I did not want kids, and have never even once thought "oh maybe" or anything like that. And I am well enough into my adult years to know it is never going to change. Another ignorant remark that annoys me is when people say "people who are barren/sterile just say that to cover up that they cannot have children". I am NOT barren, I DO NOT want children.

One good thing to do, if they keep pressing you, is ask "why did/do you want kids?"
Reply:I am right with you. I have been hearing about kids, and when are you having kids, and don't you want kids (no), and youir mother wants grandkids (no, she doesn't) as far back as I can remember. Now when people ask me, I give them the real reasons in response: We are not ready for children. We do not have enough money to give them the life they deserve. We have things that we must do first. We have personal issues that we have to deal with, that would be unfair and inappropriate to bring children into. I married in my mid-30s, and it will probably be too late by the time we can provide them with a good, stable environment.

But people STILL say, "I can't wait for you to have kids!" Well, I feel sorry for you, because you will be waiting for a long time.

There are 6.5 BILLION people in the world. Why is it so important to others whether we contribute one or two more?
Reply:People in general should really mind their own business. Why should someone's preference for kids or not bother them. Not wanting kids doesn't mean they are selfish.
Reply:Most of the time people are a bit self-centered and can't see past their own happiness or ideals. Happy parents can't always understand how others can have fulfilling lives without kids and unhappy parents tend to project their jealousy of a free lifestyle onto those who chose not to have children. I myself do not want children and face this comment often, particularly from my boyfriend's family. I just brush it off as rudeness and presumtiveness that some people are self-centered in their opinions and not at all open to what might make another individual happy. Some people just don't understand that kids aren't for everyone. But if someone really cares that much about your decision that they're trying to make you feel guilty or like a bad person for it, you don't need them in your life anyway.
Reply:I wonder the same thing. I don't want to have kids. I would rather have 10 dogs and cats and have the opportunity to travel the world. Plus kids are EXPENSIVE. I would rather spend my money traveling the world then providing a life. Maybe when I'm done traveling I will adopt but having kids...not for me.
Reply:Well I know for sure that I will never have kids, unlike the previous answerers on here. I don't want kids either. Well, it's probably because I'm gay and I know 100% that I will never get with a girl or adopt any children.
Reply:i think that a lot of people do not want kids until they meet a potential partner.. then the nesting thing hits you and so on.. sometimes these people who do not want kids find each other and it works out well.. unfortunately i think more frequently that people who do not want kids end up having them to satisfy their partner.. these children always seem to know their one parent didn't really want them..
Reply:because the people saying that are people who either HAVE kids or WANT kids, and its hard for them to imagine anybody not wanting to have kids. Plus, lots of people who say that they don't want kids do, indeed, end up changing their minds.
Reply:They are just plain rude. Have you not noted how so many "self proclaimed correctors" there are in the world. They think you have the right to their opinion. They think they have the right to tell you how to live.

Also you have to keep in mind that most people don't know that having children is an option. So many think that you must have children, and that is just the way it is.

I was in the military almost 20 years ago. Being child-free then was very uncool. I had a Chief Master Sargent that had no use for the child-free. He felt that I was some kind of "nutcase" that had no place in "his" military. Back then the military was not made up of enlightened thinkers (before the Clinton years). I was even suspected of being gay because I had been married for 5 years but had no children. They sent me to see a psychiatrist were I was asked a lot of questions about my sex life.
Reply:I've been told they say those sorts of things on the basic principle that "Misery Loves Company!" They don't want to feel "alone" in their misery of child-rearing.

I made the decision in college that I was NOT "mommie" material, and did not wish to have children... PERIOD. I have kept to that promise, and no amount of cajoling on others' parts has ever swayed me.

Sometimes I joke about not having children, because if I did, I'd be in jail on child abuse charges by now. The usual response to that one is, "Oh, it's DIFFERENT when they're your OWN." This is a total fallacy, it is NOT different when the children are your own. In fact it is WORSE. The majority of people in prison on child abuse charges are NOT STRANGERS but the RELATIVES of the children. So, statistically, it's worse when they're "your own."

As for your last question, many people actually DO change their minds, or more accurately, they have their minds changed FOR them because they were not "careful" enough with birth control methods to prevent the conception.

When people "push" you about the child-free issue, simply tell them, "Sorry, but I don't think I'd be as good a dad as the child deserves." That might change their thinking, that you are not being "selfish" but actually have considered the needs of the child.

Have a polite day.
Reply:As life goes on, many people do change their minds so they are assuming by experience you will change too. How many times have we changed our minds while growing up from years 5 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 15, 15 to 20 etc...What used to be yucky way back when is really cool to experience now...

As we allow change to take place, and we stop trying to control, we grow and learn that half of our reasons for not doing something was simply our own fears, lack of faith or what ever to avoid ..It is called maturing...

But as you say, you do not want kids and it is about you...not the kids or a wife...and that is your free will and choice.
Reply:I was one of those people and then i fell pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy. And my though was, i cant beileve i could have missed out on this experience. I love him more then anyone or anything in this world.

One last thing there called CHILDREN or a CHILD. Kids are baby goats and just so unpolite.